- Reclamation
- Upper Colorado Basin
- Programs & Activities
Programs & Activities
Reclamation's Upper Colorado Region, headquartered in Salt Lake City, encompasses Utah, New Mexico, western Colorado, northeastern Arizona, southwestern Wyoming, west Texas, and small portions of Nevada and Idaho. The UC Region is involved in a wide variety of issues, programs, partnerships, and activities that reflect Reclamation's mission as a manager, developer, and protector of water and related resources. Some of these programs and activities include endangered species protection and recovery, water conservation, adaptive management of Glen Canyon Dam operations, water reclamation and reuse, water use efficiency improvements, dam safety, cultural resources, resources management and planning, water quality, assistance to Native American tribes and pueblos, and wetlands enhancement.

Collage of Reclamation related programs and activities
The UC Region provides water for urban and industrial uses, agriculture, and the environment. With the increasing and often conflicting demands for this water, the UC Region is working to meet these demands with an increased sensitivity toward public values and customer needs. The UC Region will continue to bring competing interests together to find consensus-based approaches to contemporary water challenges facing Western citizens. The challenge of the future is to manage the quantity, and maintain the quality of the finite water resources in a region which is experiencing dramatic population growth, and related impacts to aquatic ecosystems, while often during extended periods of drought.