Power & Energy (PE)

Develop and advance solutions, tools, and practices that improve the reliability, efficiency, and safety of Reclamation’s hydropower facilities in order to reduce costs and increase energy supplies. Develop tools and strategies to increase energy supplies through renewable energy development and energy efficient practices and policies within Reclamation pumping plants and other facilities in support of Reclamation’s operations and maintenance responsibilities.

Research Categories

  • Hydropower Plants (PE1): Examine and develop tools, methods, practices and strategies to improve safety, operations and maintenance, reliability, efficiency, outage time, and output.
  • Energy Efficiency (PE2): Examine and develop tools, methods, practices and strategies to improve energy efficiency at Reclamation buildings and non-hydropower facilities.
  • Pumping Plants (PE3): Examine and develop tools, methods, practices and strategies to improve safety, operations and maintenance, reliability, efficiency, and outage time.
  • Non-Hydropower Renewable Energy (PE4): Examine and develop tools, practices, and strategies for generating and using non-hydro renewable energy within Reclamation including solar, wind, geothermal, and other forms of non-hydro renewable energy.
01/2024 Research Area Summary FY24 PE PDF 2.49 MB
01/2022 Research Area Summary FY22 PE PDF 2.3 MB
01/2022 Research Area Summary FY21 PE PDF 3.7 MB
09/2021 Research Updates Power and Energy PDF 2.72 mb
09/2018 Research Priorities for Mechanical Components of Hydropower Units PDF 645 kb
06/2015 Research Priorities to Enhance Pumping Plant Infrastructure PDF 570 kb


Erin Foraker
Mechanical Engineer (Hydropower)
(303) 445-3635

Bureau of Reclamation
Research & Development Group

Last Update 5/20/24