Reservoir Sedimentation Information Database Stewardship

Project ID: 8988
Principal Investigator: Sean Kimbrel
Research Topic: Sediment Management and River Restoration
Funded Fiscal Years: 2016 and 2017
Keywords: None

Research Question

Through data stewardship, can we improve the management of Reclamation reservoir sedimentation information
with development and integration of into other reservoir sedimentation databases for multi-agency and public
Reclamation reservoir survey data is currently available in the publically accessible USGS REServoir SEdimentation
Database (RESSED). However, the database is 1) not accessible to Reclamation staff to add in any new surveys since
2010, and 2) a percentage of the Reclamation surveys are found to have data entry errors.
As part of their studies to evaluate facility vulnerability as a result of climate change, the Army Corps of Engineers
has developed a more powerful, adaptable, and updatable Reservoir Sedimentation Information (RSI) database in
Oracle. The Army Corps of Engineers is interested in collaborating with Reclamation to further develop the RSI
database for Reclamation reservoirs and for the incorporation of reservoirs that are Publicly and Privately owned in
the USA as a means to quantify and manage sediment in reservoirs throughout the United States.

Need and Benefit

Reservoir sedimentation will eventually impact all facilities located on a waterbody that naturally transports
sediment. Developing and integrating Reclamation reservoir sediment information into a database currently being
developed by other Dam Owners (e.g. Army Corps of Engineers) is key in planning and prioritizing for the
management sediment in reservoirs. An easily usable and updatable reservoir sediment information database will
benefit scientists, engineers, and natural resource managers and planners in understanding the relative impacts of
reservoir sedimentation both temporally and spatially for prioritizing and dealing with reservoir sedimentation in
order to extend the life of reservoirs and facilities. Extending the life of reservoirs and facilities benefits nearly all
stakeholders that receive benefits from these facilities.

Contributing Partners

Contact the Principal Investigator for information about partners.

Research Products

Bureau of Reclamation Review

The following documents were reviewed by experts in fields relating to this project's study and findings. The results were determined to be achieved using valid means.

Reservoir Sedimentation Information Database Stewardship (final, PDF, 956KB)
By Sean Kimbrel
Research Product completed on September 30, 2017

This research product summarizes the research results and potential application to Reclamation's mission.

Reservoir Sedimentation Information Database Stewardship (final, PDF, 956KB)
By Sean Kimbrel
Research Product completed on September 30, 2017

This research product summarizes the research results and potential application to Reclamation's mission.

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Last Updated: 6/22/20