Fish Passage and Entrainment Workshop

Project ID: 4803
Principal Investigator: Steve Hiebert
Research Topic: Fish Passage and Entrainment
Funded Fiscal Years: 2008
Keywords: None

Research Question

* How can we most effectively distribute the fish passage and protection technologies and tools developed and used by Reclamation?

* How can existing fish protection systems be improved at a site-specific level?

* What techniques are available to monitor fish use and effectiveness of passage and protections systems?

A workshop would be the most effective way of transferring and distributing fish entrainment and passage technology that has been developed and used in the Science and Technology (S&T) Program. The interactive focus of such a workshop would be valuable in exchanging ideas and improving existing fish systems throughout Reclamation.

Need and Benefit

Reclamation has hundreds of facilities that move, divert, and control water in the Western United States. Managers are continually being asked to consider further protection for fish and other natural resources. There are many situations that are successful in protecting fish that are not widely known or used, possibly due to lack of communication. A wide exchange of successful (and unsuccessful) technologies and information would benefit Reclamation in sharing the techniques, along with open discussion of modification that could work at other locations, hundreds of miles apart.

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Last Updated: 6/22/20