Lowering the Cost of Continuous Streamflow Monitoring
Launch: February 27, 2019
Awarded: January 21, 2020
A successful solution to this Prize Competition will significantly reduce the cost of continuous streamflow monitoring and increase the availability of streamflow data that is vital to the effective planning, design, and operation of water resources projects.
This Prize Competition will seek new and innovative methods to significantly reduce cost of continuous streamflow monitoring compared to current methods, including new methods or technologies that reduce the equipment costs and/or labor costs of streamflow monitoring. Methods must be applicable to continuous monitoring of the volumetric flow rate of water in open channels, including natural channels (e.g., streams and rivers) and engineered channels (e.g., aqueducts, canals, and drainage channels). Methods should be applicable across wide range of flow rates, channel sizes, and channel geometries, and the accuracy and reliability of methods should be comparable or better than commonly used stage-discharge methods. -