Located 1.5 miles south of Wanship on the Weber River, the Wanship Dam impounds Rockport Lake. The lake has 62,100 acre-feet total capacity, and a surface area of 1,080 acres. The dam, a zoned earthfill structure, is 156 feet high, has a crest length of 2,010 feet, and contains 3,183,000 cubic yards of material. The spillway is an uncontrolled open concrete chute with a capacity of 10,800 cubic feet per second. The outlet works tunnel provides for releases to the powerplant or to the river. The outlet works has a capacity of 1,000 cubic feet per second.
Wanship Dam and Rockport Lake are located on the Weber River where it cuts through shale, siltstone and sandstone beds of the Frontier Formation of Late Creracious age. Bedrock is primarily shale and siltstone with sandstone beds that form resistant ridges. Impure coal and bentonite are interbedded with the shale. The dam and reservoir are on the north limb of the Uinta Mountain uplift. The beds dip 25 degrees to 35 degrees downstream. Several northeast trending thrust faults cross the Weber Valley in the vicinity of the dam and reservoir.
The Animas-La Plata Project located in La Plata and Montezuma Counties in southwestern Colorado and in San Juan County in northwestern New Mexico, was authorized by the Colorado River Basin Project Act of September 30, 1968 (Public Law 84-485).In 1988, it was incorporated into the Colorado Ute Indian Water Rights Settlement Act. The Colorado Ute Settlement Act Amendments of 2000 provide for implementation and completion of the project. Approval to begin construction was granted in October 2001 and initial site work began in April 2002.
Lake Nighthorse began filling on May 4, 2009, and filled for the first time on June 29, 2011. The maximum water surface elevation of 6,882 feet equates to 123,541 acre-feet in storage. The Colorado project features were transferred from construction status to operation and maintenance status in March 2013. Work on completion of the transfer stipulations is continuing. An operation and maintenance contract has been signed with the Animas-La Plata Operations, Maintenance and Replacement Association that allows project sponsors to operate Colorado project features.
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Project | Weber Basin |
Dam Type | Zoned earthfill |
Location | 1.5 miles south of Wanship, UT |
Longitude | -111.40548706054688 |
Latitude | 40.788558849975054 |
Watercourse | Weber River |
Reservoir | Rockport Lake |
Original Construction | 1954-1957 |
National ID Number | UT10131 |
Crest Elevation | 6055.0 ft |
Structural Height | 175.0 ft |
Hydraulic Height (Normal Operating Depth at Dam) | 150.0 ft |
Top of Dead Storage Pool (Elevation) | 5930.0 ft |
Streambed at Dam Axis | 5899.0 ft |
Crest Length | 2015.0 ft |
Hydraulics & Hydrology
Spillway Capacity at Elevation | 10,800 cfs at 6049.0 ft |
Outlet Works Capacity at Elevation | 1000 cfs at 6049.0 ft |
Maximum Water Surface Elevation | 6049.0 ft |
Auxiliary Spillway | No |
Drainage Area | 339.0 sq mi |