Hungry Horse Project creates power benefits that extend from the Continental Divide westward to the Pacific Ocean. The principal power benefit from the project arises from its ability to store water through the spring flood season for later release.
The generating units were uprated and overhauled during the period 1990-1993. Capacity of each unit went from 71,250 kW to 107,000 kW. Conversion work for remote operation began in 1994. The switchyard was rebuilt in 1995 and a penstock selective withdrawal system was also installed in 1995.
Project Authorization
The Congress authorized construction of Hungry Horse Dam under Public Law 329, 78th Congress, 2d Session, approved June 5, 1944 (58 Stat. 270).
Hungry Horse is a key project in the Department of the Interior`s long-range program for multiple-purpose development of the water resources of the vast Columbia River drainage basin. The dam creates a large reservoir by withholding water in times of heavy runoff to minimize downstream flooding. This stored water is released for power generation when the natural flow of the river is low. Downstream power benefits are of major importance since more than five times as much power can be produced from water releases downstream than is produced at Hungry Horse Powerplant.
Project Purpose
Hungry Horse Project creates power benefits that extend from the Continental Divide westward to the Pacific Ocean. At-site production averages about a billion kilowatt-hours annually. The principal power benefit from the project arises from its ability to store water through the spring flood season for later release. In an average year, this water will generate about 4.6 billion kilowatt-hours of power as it passes through a series of downstream powerplants.
Present Activities
Turbine Cavitation Repair, SCADA/GDACS Upgrade; Fire System Upgrade and Testing, Generator Controls and DC System Upgrade, Station Service Battery Replacement.
Future Planned Activities
Planning for Visitor Center and ADA improvements along the top of the dam, including new exhibits inside the Visitor Center; Powerplant Station Service Distribution System Replacement; Governor Upgrade; Exciter Replacement; Transformer Fire Protection System and Oil Containment Upgrade; Crane Controls Upgrade; Radio System Upgrade; Penstock Flow Measurement Instrumentation and Turbine Runner Replacement Studies.
Special Issues
In December of 2000 two new Biological Opinion (BO) were implemented for the FCRPS which includes Hungry Horse. One of them was for Bull Trout and the other was for anadromous fish. The BO for Bull Trout put new power plant ramp rate restrictions and minimum flow restrictions on the plant. These restrictions do influence the power production.
NERC Region | Western Electricity Coordinating Council, Northwest Power Pool Area |
PMA Service Area | Bonneville Power Administration |
Plant Type | Conventional |
Powerhouse Type | Above Ground |
Turbine Type | Francis |
Original Nameplate Capacity | 285,000 kW |
Installed Capacity | 428,000 kW |
Year of Initial Operation | 1952 |
Age | 64 years |
(Fiscal Year) | 2015 |
Rated Head | 400 ft |
Production Mode | Peaking |
Remotely Operated | Yes |
Plant Factor | 26 percent |
River | South Fork Flathead River |