Located approximately 12 miles northeast of Prosser, Washington, Chandler Powerplant was built in 1956 as part of the Yakima Project.
Project Authorization
Congress authorized the Yakima Project, Kennewick Division, on June 12, 1948, under Public Law 629, 80th Congress (62 Stat. 382).
The powerplant provides power to the Bonneville Power Authority grid. The hydropumps provide irrigation via canals to the Kennewick Irrigation District.
The Chandler Powerplant includes two 6.0 megawatt, 4160 volt hydropower generators, and two 2,600 horsepower pumps which operate from a 10.6 mile canal, diverting up to 1,500 cubic feet per second of water from the Prosser Diversion Dam.
Project Purpose
The Yakima Project provides irrigation water for a comparatively narrow strip of fertile land that extends for 175 miles on both sides of the Yakima River in south-central Washington. The irrigable lands presently being served total about 465,000 acres.
The Kennewick Division is a combined irrigation and power development. It includes the 12,000-kilowatt Chandler Powerplant and 19,171 acres of irrigable land.
Present Activities
Normal operations
Future Planned Activities
NERC Region | Western Electricity Coordinating Council, Northwest Power Pool Area |
PMA Service Area | Bonneville Power Administration |
Plant Type | Conventional |
Powerhouse Type | Above Ground |
Turbine Type | Francis |
Original Nameplate Capacity | 12,000 kW |
Installed Capacity | 12,000 kW |
Year of Initial Operation | 1956 |
Age | 56 years |
(Fiscal Year) | 2011 |
Rated Head | 118 ft |
Plant Factor | 85.75 percent |
Production Mode | Intermediate |
Remotely Operated | No |
River | Chandler Power Canal |