Salt River Project - Rehabilitation and Betterment
The original irrigation facilities of the Salt River Project are located in the Salt River Valley in Maricopa County, Arizona. The project, one of Reclamation`s first, serves about 240,000 acres of land with a surface-water supply from storage on the Salt and Verde Rivers. Supplemental water is obtained from 248 electrically pumped wells. Surface water is conserved by six storage dams, four on the Salt River and two on the Verde River, with a combined storage capacity of 2,389,725 acre-feet. A diversion dam diverts water to 1,259 miles of canals, laterals, and ditches, which in turn deliver water to farms and cities.
Construction of the Salt River Project was begun by the Bureau of Reclamation in 1903. The original features of the Project consisted of Theodore Roosevelt Dam and Powerplant, Granite Reef Diversion Dam, and an improved canal system. These features were installed in 1911. In cooperation with the Bureau of Reclamation, the Salt River Project initiated a rehabilitation and betterment program in 1950. Contracts covering the work under the original program, supplemented by a congressionally approved extended program, were executed annually between the United States and the Salt River Valley Water User`s Association from the time the program was initiated in 1950 until 1958. Beginning July 1, 1958, the rehabilitation and betterment work was covered by a contract through June 30, 1967, with repayable amounts computed for each fiscal year. The contract was extended, and construction was completed in 1980.
Construction began in 1950 and completed in 1980. The work was performed by the Salt River Valley Water User`s Association, using funds advanced by the Bureau of Reclamation. Plans developed by the association were approved by the Bureau of Reclamation. Work included the lining of 42 miles of canals, 213 miles of laterals, 278 miles of lateral pipelines, and the rehabilitation of 8,259 structures. Construction work also included about 505,000 square feet of concrete canal lining, 1.5 miles of concrete lateral lining, installation of 1.1 miles of lateral pipelines, and rehabilitation of 20 structures.
The general nature and purpose of the Salt River Project rehabilitation and betterment program was to reduce operation an maintenance costs, improve the irrigation facilities, increase operating efficiency, and conserve available water supplies. The plan provided for lining certain sections of canals; replacing laterals with underground pipe; repairing and replacing gates, checks, and other irrigation structures; rehabilitating project water wells; and undertaking repair and betterment work on some of the major storage facilities. The irrigation and drainage system is operated and maintained by the Salt River Valley Water User`s Association. The power system of the project is operated by the Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District.