Burnt River Water Temperature Study Steering Committee Final Report

Over the last several years, the Bureau of Reclamation has been participating with 15 state and Federal agencies and organizations in a water quality study of the Burnt River subbasin in eastern Oregon.

The goals of the study were to provide a broadly-acceptable scientific basis for developing and evaluating alternative approaches to dealing with water temperature concerns, and exploring how these approaches might be applied in a pilot basin. The Burnt River Water Temperature Study Steering Committee Final Report describes the work done by the study’s steering committee to address the four study objectives:

  1. Assess factors that contribute to stream temperatures
  2. Evaluate management practices that might reduce stream temperatures
  3. Develop and test a surrogate for temperature goals
  4. Use study results as a basis for development of a 1010 plan by the Oregon Department of Agriculture
04/2002 Burnt River Water Temperature Study Commitee Final Report PDF 1.50 mb

Last Updated: 8/17/20