Authorized Land Use

Irrigation canal

Use of Reclamation land, facilities, and waterbodies use is governed by 43 CFR Part 429. Examples of activities which might be authorized include:

  • special events;
  • utility crossings;
  • crossings on, over, or under Reclamation lands, surface of waters, and facilities inclusive of crossings where Reclamation holds a controlling easement interest;
  • communication lines and sites including microwave towers, pipelines, transmission lines, roads, trails, and other linear and aerial facilities and their associated uses (lateral encroachments will not be considered);
  • livestock grazing, farming, or other agricultural practices;
  • commercial filming and photography;
  • commercial or organized sporting events including guide services, commercial trapping, etc.; and
  • any other use deemed appropriate by Reclamation.

Issuance of a use authorization does not relieve the applicant of obtaining any other permits and authorizations that may be required for the proposed activity, such as NEPA compliance, 404 permits, business/concessionaire permits, etc. more >>

Apply for a Land Use permit >>

Related Links
08/2010 Use of Reclamation lands, facilities, and waterbodies including application forms HTML
06/2011 Engineering Guidelines for Crossings on Reclamation Lands HTML
05/2011 Guidance on Shoreline Erosion Control at Lake Cascade PDF 1.3 mb

Michael Broussard
Supervisory Realty Specialist
Middle Snake Field Office
(208) 383-2220

Last Updated: 8/5/20