Proposed Boundary Adjustment for the Westland Irrigation District Final EA & FONSI

In June 2004, the Bureau of Reclamation released a Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact for the proposed boundary adjustment of the Westland Irrigation District. The Final EA presents the analyses of the impacts of alternatives to adjust the federally recognized Westland Irrigation District boundaries to match the state recognized boundaries.

The Full Boundary Adjustment Alternative, which provides for a 10,337.8-acre adjustment, has been selected by Reclamation as the recommended alternative for implementation. The Finding of No Significant Impacts concludes implementation of this alternative would have no significant impacts on the quality of the human environment or the natural resources of the area.

06/2004 Proposed Boundary Adjustment for Westland Irrigation District FONSI & EA PDF 1.57 mb


Candace McKinley
(509) 573-8020

Bureau of Reclamation
Columbia-Cascades Area Office
1917 Marsh Road
Yakima WA 98901-2058

Last Updated: 4/19/23