Tyler Creek Wasteway Stabilization: FONSI & Programmatic Final EA

Tyler Creek WastewayThe wasteway, located in the Talent Division of the Rogue River Basin Project in Jackson County, Oregon, is a bypass channel used to convey irrigation water from Keene Creek Reservoir to Ashland Lateral and Emigrant Lake when Green Springs Powerplant is out of service for maintenance or repairs.

Reclamation will proceed with efforts toward upgrading access to the wasteway and stabilizing localized areas of the wasteway channel between the pipe outlet and where Tyler Creek enters Emigrant Creek. These efforts include future contacts with affected landowners and management agencies to begin negotiations on acquiring the necessary rights-of-way/flowage easements and site-specific stabilization methods. Reclamation commits to the necessary site-specific environmental clearances and permits before stabilization or major surface disturbing activities.

03/2004 Cover Letter PDF 192 kb
03/2004 Tyler Creek Wasteway Stabilization FONSI and Final EA PDF 7.62 mb
06/2003 Geology Appendix PDF 2.55 mb


Candace McKinley
(509) 573-8020

Bureau of Reclamation
Columbia-Cascades Area Office
1917 Marsh Road
Yakima WA 98901-2058

Last Updated: 5/22/20