Rainey Park Stream Restoration and Wetland Creation Project

The Bureau of Reclamation proposes to provide funding through a WaterSMART grant for the City of Pocatello to perform a river restoration and wetland creation project occurring within Bannock County in Southeastern Idaho. The action would set back approximately 625 linear feet of right bank levee to create a wetland and side channel within the levee, along with ADA-compliant river access for anglers and floaters. Additionally, a stormwater pond would be created to capture the first flush of sediment-laden waters off city streets.

The analysis of this proposal and any alternatives will be documented in an environmental assessment, with an expected completion in the late summer of 2025.


Rochelle Ochoa

Bureau of Reclamation
Snake River Area Office
230 Collins Road
Boise ID 83702-4520

Jami Andersen
208-678-0461 x22

Bureau of Reclamation
Upper Snake Field Office
470 22nd Street
Heyburn, ID 83336

Last Updated: 10/25/24