Congressional Testimony Archive

Jun 28, 2006
Statement, Acting Commissioner William E. Rinne on S 3404, A bill to reauthorize the Mni Wiconi Rural Water Supply Project

Jun 28, 2006
Statement, Acting Commissioner William E. Rinne on S 1965, Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District Conveyance Act of 2005

Jun 28, 2006
Statement, Acting Commissioner William E. Rinne on S 1812, Juab County Surface and Ground Water Study and Development Act of 2005

Jun 28, 2006
Statement, Acting Commissioner William E. Rinne on HR 4204, American River Pump Station Project Transfer Act of 2006

Jun 28, 2006
Statement, Acting Commissioner William E. Rinne on HR 2383, To redesignate the facility of the Bureau of Reclamation located at 19550 Kelso Road in Byron, California, as the "C.W. `Bill' Jones Pumping Plant"

May 23, 2006
Statement, Acting Commissioner William Rinne on Managing for Excellence, an action plan for the 21st Century Bureau of Reclamation

May 10, 2006
Statement, Acting Commissioner William E. Rinne on HR 5079, To provide for the modification of an amendatory repayment contract between the Secretary of the Interior and the North Unit Irrigation District, and for other purposes

Apr 26, 2006
Statement, Deputy Commissioner Larry Todd on S. 166, Deschutes River Conservancy Reauthorization Act of 2005

Apr 26, 2006
Statement, Deputy Commissioner Larry Todd on HR 4750, Lower Republican Basin Study Act

Apr 26, 2006
Statement, Deputy Commissioner Larry Todd on HR 1711, To provide assistance to the State of New Mexico for the development of comprehensive State water plans, and for other purposes

Records 311 to 320 of 391