Bureau of Reclamation allocates $3.9 million for 49 science and technology projects to support water management research in the west

Written by: Peter Soeth

Previously funded research project that studied the effective and safe decontamination for underwater inspection equipment exposed to quagga and zebra mussels.
Previously funded research project that studied the effective and safe decontamination for underwater inspection equipment exposed to quagga and zebra mussels.
The Bureau of Reclamation is providing $3.9 million through its Science and Technology Program to address research needs associated with managing and generating power in all western states. This research uses internal expertise and experience to provide innovative solutions that can be applied throughout Reclamation for the benefit of its water and power facility managers, customers and stakeholders.

"Reclamation is addressing critical and complex issues in managing water and generating power in the western United States," Commissioner Brenda Burman said. "These research projects will help Reclamation and its partners meet the demands of western water users today and in the decades to come.”

Research proposals were sought in five research areas:

  • Water Infrastructure
  • Power and Energy
  • Environmental Issues with Water Delivery and Management
  • Water Operations and Planning
  • Developing New Supplies

Projects selected include studies on invasive quagga and zebra mussel control, seepage detection in canals, data visualization tool to support decision-making, exploring the feasibility of additive manufacturing for parts replacement, fish passage at river diversions, seismic loading on dams and spillway gates, a new concrete cloth that can be used for spot repairs or lining for small canals.

Reclamation identified the research projects through a competitive call for proposals throughout the organization. The proposals were reviewed and ranked based on technical validity and relevance to Reclamation's mission. Many of these projects partner with internal and/or external entities to produce robust and comprehensive solutions. Partners include 53 different entities including from the federal government, state government, tribes, universities, private and local organizations.

All projects are submitted through a competitive process. Many of these research projects address research priority needs identified in the S&T Programs Science Strategy Implementation Plan that is published annually. In addition, Reclamation's regional directors provide a list of research needs each year resulting in new projects being selected to meet those needs.

To learn more about Reclamation's Science and Technology Program please visit https://www.usbr.gov/research/st/index.html.

Project Descriptions

Published on October 22, 2018