People of Reclamation: Candice Barnes, Geotechnical Engineer

Written by: Emily Quinn

Candice Barnes, Geotechnical Engineer with the Bureau of Reclamation
Candice Barnes, Geotechnical Engineer with the Bureau of Reclamation
At Reclamation, we pride ourselves in the ability to hire the world’s best engineers. One of those engineers is Candice Barnes, a Geotechnical Engineer with the Bureau of Reclamation’s Technical Service Center, located in Lakewood, Colorado.

Candice began working with Reclamation in July of 2016, and discovered the position while searching for Geotechnical Engineering vacancies. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering, and a Master’s of Science degree in Civil Engineering.

Currently, Candice is working on a study analyzing the effects of settlement on infrastructures which enables her to formulate alternatives to current methods in order to ensure the safety of Reclamation’s structures now, and in the future.

Candice explains, “I’ve been very hands-on with the corrective action phase of the study. It has allowed me to be involved in field exploration, design, CAD, and risk analysis phases of the settlement analysis study.”

Other projects have included conducting Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua (FLAC) to determine the potential impacts of seismic events, and the role seepage may play in proposed alternatives for corrective actions to mitigate seismic disturbance(s).

Candice Barnes, Geotechnical Engineer with the Bureau of Reclamation
Candice Barnes, Geotechnical Engineer with the Bureau of Reclamation

Candice hopes to grow as an engineer while with Reclamation. She says, “One of the benefits of working with Reclamation is the diversity in engineers which allows you to learn from outside of your discipline.” According to Candice, the best part about working for Reclamation is the warm and welcoming atmosphere. People at Reclamation treat each other like family.

Aside from the fun and challenging experiences provided by Reclamation, Candice wants you to know, “The work we do at Reclamation is important! Dam safety and water management keep communities safe and thriving.”

At Reclamation, we strive for inclusivity. Candice is a member of Reclamation’s Inclusion Council, and recognizes the importance of including women and minorities in the workplace. Candice says, “We welcome the idea of diversity, change, progress, and growth of all our employees.”

When Candice isn’t working, she is likely enjoying time with her husband and their baby girl, London. Together, Candice and her family enjoy exploring their new hometown of Denver, and taking in the city’s beautiful scenery.

Published on October 04, 2017