Summer Intern Series: Meet Jacob Carter-Gibb

Written by: Jesselyn Hamilton

Jacob Carter-Gibb
Jacob Carter-Gibb
The Bureau of Reclamation offers diverse internship opportunities for students interested in engineering, hydrology, biology, chemistry, geology, and much more. At Reclamation, we want to see college students land a job that will fulfill their interests.

Jacob Carter-Gibb, a native of Boulder, Colorado, comes to Reclamation by way of Bozeman, Montana, where he is attending Montana State University. He is in his senior year studying Civil Engineering. At some point down the line Jacob plans to pursue a Master’s degree.

This summer Jacob worked in the Technical Service Center’s Hydraulics Lab under the mentorship of Hydraulic Engineer Joe Kubitschek. Jacob had the opportunity to work with a laser-based imaging system that looks at the instantaneous velocity and patterns in a flow. He repaired the system, which had not been used in 8 years. He then developed a manual so that everyone in the lab can use the system for their research.

The most challenging part of the internship for Jacob was the expectation to absorb new concepts quickly. Jacob appreciated the opportunity to work independently to address problems and determine possible solutions. When asked about his experience working at Reclamation, Jacob said, “The biggest thing that I will take away from this internship will likely be the understanding of what an engineering position looks like in the real world and what practical skills are the most important. Going into my senior year of college, I am now especially looking forward to my hydraulics courses and seeing how the professors teach the concepts differently than they are used in the lab.”

If an opportunity arises, Jacob is interested in future employment with Reclamation. He feels that Reclamation is more important than a private company because of the projects it builds, maintains and manages. “A private company would never have been able to build something like Hoover, Glen Canyon, or Grand Coulee dams,” he said. “I do not think a private company would have the longevity or self-interest to maintain the waterways like a government organization like the Bureau does.”

Jacob’s intern experiences will serve him well and provide him with an array of useful knowledge and tools as he progresses in his education and career. Reclamation is grateful for the opportunity to mentor young professionals who will play a significant role in shaping the future.

Published on August 17, 2017