Summer Intern Series: Meet Amber Brusak

Written by: Jesselyn Hamilton

Amber Brusak
Amber Brusak
The Bureau of Reclamation offers diverse internship opportunities for students interested in engineering, hydrology, biology, chemistry, geology, and much more. At Reclamation, we want to see college students land a job that will fulfill their interests.

Amber Brusak is a summer intern from Pueblo West, Colorado. She is studying Geological Engineering at the Colorado School of Mines. She just finished her undergraduate degree and will continue in the same area of study for her Master’s in the fall.

She spent her summer working for the Technical Service Center studying the durability of shale samples for a shale unit that runs near the upstream side of a dam abutment. While modification is done on the dam, the water level will be lowered, exposing the shale units. Shale will slake, or degrade, when exposed to water or air, so Amber ran an investigation to see to what degree the unit will slake.

When asked about her experience working at Reclamation, Amber said, “I’ve learned a lot about the applications of geotechnical work. In school, you are taught concepts and sometimes are able to tie them to real world situations. Here everything is done for a purpose. It’s exciting to tie together the technical work into the real world.” Amber appreciates the greater understanding of engineering design she has learned during her time with Reclamation. She was able to observe and participate in all phases of the process.

She plans to eventually get a job in the geosciences where she is able to do field work. She is open to relocating to wherever the jobs are. She is also interested in a possible future with Reclamation. In regards to Reclamation, Amber said, “I enjoy the environment and the work that is done. The people are all very friendly and passionate about what they are doing.”

Amber’s intern experiences will serve her well and provide her with an array of useful knowledge and tools as she progresses in her education. Reclamation is grateful for the opportunity to mentor young professionals who will play a significant role in shaping the future.

Published on August 16, 2017