Summer Intern Series: Meet Tyler Pitcher

Written by: Jesselyn Hamilton

Tyler Pitcher
Tyler Pitcher
The Bureau of Reclamation offers diverse internship opportunities for students interested in engineering, hydrology, biology, chemistry, geology, and much more. At Reclamation, we want to see college students land a job that will fulfill their interests.

Tyler Pitcher comes to Reclamation from Lakewood, Colorado. He is a graduate student at the Colorado School of Mines studying Environmental Geochemistry. He earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Geological Engineering from the same school.

Tyler worked on several projects this summer, but the one he feels he learned the most from was designing reverse osmosis membranes to desalinate water for agricultural use. When asked about his experience working at Reclamation, Tyler saw his biggest challenge as stepping out of his introverted comfort zone. He said, “I have learned to collaborate with people in a professional environment. The information I will take with me as I begin my career is how to communicate on a technical level with my superiors.”

In regards to Reclamation, Tyler said, “I enjoy the environment here and everyone is very easy to get along with.” He will graduate in December 2017 and hopes to find employment with Reclamation or the U.S. Geological Survey.

Tyler’s intern experiences will serve him well and provide him with an array of useful knowledge and tools as he progresses in his education and career. Reclamation is grateful for the opportunity to mentor young professionals who will play a significant role in shaping the future.

Published on August 15, 2017