Summer Intern Series: Meet Asher Kirschbaum

Written by: Emily Quinn

Summer Intern, Asher Kirschbaum
Summer Intern, Asher Kirschbaum
The Bureau of Reclamation offers diverse internship opportunities for students interested in engineering, hydrology, biology, chemistry, geology, and much more. At Reclamation, we want to see college students land a job that will fulfill their interests.

Summer Intern Asher Kirschbaum has been studying Mechanical Engineering at Rochester Institute of Technology in upstate New York. He was born near Washington, D.C., and found out about this internship opportunity through his school mentor.

Asher has been researching the effects of quagga and zebra mussel infestations on scuba diving equipment. He got to spend two days at Lake Mead in Nevada conducting an experiment, and says, “It was lots of fun!”

His internship experience with Reclamation has taught him to embrace creativity, and to encounter every problem with an open mind because things don’t always operate according to plan. He says, “Sometimes we have to adjust to get to a solution.”

Asher’s time with Reclamation has taught him about the importance of maintaining a strong work ethic. His hard work is rewarded with the ability to contribute quality work to important projects.

Summer internship opportunities with Reclamation are unique because they provide students with a chance to experience projects of which they may have little background and/or familiarity. Asher says this method of learning has helped him grow beyond his comfort zone.

Asher chose the field of Mechanical Engineering because he says, “I feel like I can contribute more to humankind with a Mechanical Engineering diploma.” He hopes to one day land a career that enables him to improve people’s lives. Asher explains, “I want to be part of something big that has a positive impact on people’s lives.”

A future career with Reclamation is a possibility for Asher. He says, “I know the Bureau of Reclamation values the lives of people in the United States, and that means the most to me.”

At Reclamation, we take pride in knowing that the people we employ find value in their work. Since joining Reclamation’s summer internship program, Asher has learned a lot about the important work we do, and says, “Water is one of the most important resources in the world. The Bureau of Reclamation provides access to water in the 17 western states. It creates opportunities for life to thrive in the West.”

To learn about internship opportunities with Reclamation, visit:

Published on July 26, 2017