Summer Intern Series: Meet Rob Ross-Shannon

Written by: Emily Quinn

Rob Ross-Shannon, Summer Intern
Rob Ross-Shannon, Summer Intern
At the Bureau of Reclamation, we recognize the value of introducing students to a range of available career opportunities. Our summer interns are exploring Reclamation’s unique careers within the fields of engineering, geology, hydrology, biology, and more. We hope these internship experiences will guide them toward a career path that provides them with both excitement and fulfillment.

Rob-Ross Shannon is interning with us from Golden, Colorado, and is attending Lakewood High School where he is exploring his passion for biology and chemistry.

Rob learned about this internship opportunity through the Jefferson County Executive High School Internship program. He completed the program’s application process and was interviewed by the program’s coordinators prior to being accepted into the internship program.

Currently, Rob is enjoying the opportunity to further his experience in biology and chemistry concepts while learning about the PCR gene sequencing machine, located in Reclamation’s Detection Laboratory for Exotic Species (RDLES). His work involves amplifying DNA in order to effectively detect the presence of invasive mussels among different samples of water.

He’s learning about lab standards procedures, including how to properly prepare and dispose of materials, how to ensure a safe working environment, and how to operate the lab’s unique equipment.

Rob says, “Due to my internship, I have a more profound understanding of a general lab environment. As I partake in lab classes [and] pursue a lab-based career, I will already have a basic understanding of how a lab operates. Furthermore, this being my first experience in a work environment, I have an increased understanding of deadlines and how to manage my time to ensure that all projects assigned to me are complete and meet the requirements of my supervisor.”

In the future, Rob plans complete his Undergraduate degree in biology or chemistry. He is also deciding whether or not to continue beyond his Undergraduate education to pursue his Graduate degree. Rob is hoping to find work that resembles the work he has done at Reclamation throughout his internship.

When asked about whether or not he may eventually come back to Reclamation, Rob explained, “I am considering a future career with Reclamation because I appreciate, and am interested in, the work being done at the various facilities. The work environment here at Reclamation is superb. Even as an intern, I know that everyone wants me to learn and gain the most I can from my experience here.”

Rob recognizes the important role the Bureau of Reclamation plays in society because our agency deals with infrastructure and water issues that directly affect citizens of the United States. He feels that the work being done in the RDLES lab is both important and necessary in order to combat and manage the issue of invasive species in the western region’s water systems. “The maintenance and operations of [Reclamation’s] facilities throughout the western region would not run as smoothly, and would not be as safe without the work being done by Reclamation.”

Rob Ross-Shannon, Summer Intern
Rob Ross-Shannon, Summer Intern

Published on July 19, 2017