Young Osprey Rescued at New Melones Lake

Written by: Patricia Sanders

The osprey rescue begins!
The osprey rescue begins!
On Thursday evening, June 9, 2016, New Melones Lake Natural Resource Ranger Patricia Sanders received a call from Natural Resource Specialist Sandra Patania and Park Ranger Mike McGraw that a nearly fledged young osprey had fallen from its nest in the Tuttletown Campground, Campsite 105.

The uninjured young osprey had been near the campsite’s picnic table for several hours, and as it was now dark, Ranger Sanders asked Ranger McGraw to capture the bird and take it to the New Melones Lake Field Office where it would be safe overnight. Following Ranger Sanders’ instructions, Ranger McGraw was able to capture the baby bird without injuring either it or himself, place it in a cardboard box, and put it under Ranger Sanders’ desk to spend the night.

The next morning, New Melones Chief Ranger Cindy Davenport decided they should attempt to place the young osprey back in its nest using a boom truck from the lake’s maintenance department. Maintenance Worker Frederick Howard immediately began preparing the truck so that Ranger Sanders could go up in its bucket and return the youngster to its home.

After Maintenance Worker Howard helped Ranger Sanders into the safety harness, she held onto the cardboard box containing the young osprey as she was lifted in the bucket to the nest. Once by the nest, she placed the box on its side and opened the flaps, but the frightened bird stayed put. Ranger Sanders reached inside and delicately grasped one of its legs to gently pull it out. The young osprey finally rejoined its two siblings in the nest, and Ranger Sanders was slowly lowered to the ground. During this operation, one of the frantic parents had circled within feet of the nest, screaming the whole time!

Campers in the vicinity watched the process and were elated that the baby made it back home. Within the next two weeks, all three of the young osprey had taken their first flights and were observed to be doing well. The rescue went smoothly and the outcome was very rewarding!

New Melones Lake is located on the Stanislaus River in the central Sierra Nevada foothills, within Calaveras and Tuolumne counties, California.

Thank you to all who participated in the rescue and to Tuttletown Camp Host Jim Johnston and Maintenance Worker Dennis Finley who captured photos of the event.

Headed toward the nest platform

Getting close

The release begins

Anxious parent osprey watches every move

Successful rescue completed

Published on July 15, 2016