News Release Archive

Brian Person Selected as Area Manager of Reclamation's Northern California Area Office at Shasta Dam

Media Contact: Jeffrey McCracken, 916-978-5100,

For Release: October 18, 2005

Kirk C. Rodgers, Regional Director of the Mid-Pacific Region, Bureau of Reclamation, announces that Mr. Brian Person has been selected as the Area Manager of the Northern California Area Office in Redding. Mr. Person joins the Region from his position as Area Manager of the Eastern Colorado Area Office in Loveland, Colorado, part of Reclamation's Great Plains Region. In that position, he was responsible for managing programs and facilities associated with the Colorado-Big Thompson Project and the Fryingpan-Arkansas Project.

Mr. Person's career with Reclamation began in 1982 in the former Missouri-Souris Projects Office in Bismarck, North Dakota. His other Reclamation positions have included Deputy Manager, Resource and Technical Services, in the Pacific Northwest Regional Office in Boise, Idaho; Manager of the Yakima Field Office in Yakima, Washington; and Oregon Projects Coordinator for the Pacific Northwest Regional Office in Bend, Oregon. Mr. Person also served as a staff engineer at the Shasta Project Office early in his career, where he is now returning as Area Manager.

In his position as Area Manager for the Northern California Area Office, Mr. Person will oversee the management of Reclamation facilities and activities from north of Sacramento to the Oregon border. His responsibilities will include the operation and maintenance of Shasta, Keswick, Lewiston, Spring Creek Debris, Trinity, Buckhorn, Red Bluff Diversion, and Whiskeytown Dams and their associated powerplants and facilities. Shasta Dam, completed in 1944, is the keystone of the vast Central Valley Project, and Shasta Lake is California's largest reservoir with a storage capacity of 4.5 million acre-feet of water. Mr. Person will report for duty on October 31, 2005.

"Brian has extensive experience operating Federal water and power facilities and working with Reclamation's customers and stakeholders," stated Mr. Rodgers. "I'm very pleased to welcome him back to the Mid-Pacific Region."

Mr. Person is a native of Ruthville, North Dakota. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in civil engineering from North Dakota Sate University, and is a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Idaho.

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