News Release Archive

Reclamation announces Nimbus Fish Hatchery agreement with California Department of Fish and Wildlife

CDFW to continue to perform hatchery operations and maintenance

Media Contact: Mary Lee Knecht, 916-978-5100,

For Release: September 30, 2020

Nimbus fish weir
Nimbus fish weir
FOLSOM, Calif. – The Bureau of Reclamation has signed a five-year, $12.3 million multi-year agreement with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife to continue the federally owned Nimbus Fish Hatchery facility’s operations and maintenance in Rancho Cordova. 

The Nimbus Fish Hatchery was built by Reclamation to mitigate for steelhead-and-Chinook salmon habitat loss due to Nimbus Dam’s construction. Reclamation has entered into a series of agreements with CDFW since 1956 for the hatchery’s operations and maintenance. This partnership has allowed Reclamation to consistently meet its annual fish-production objectives for steelhead-and-chinook salmon.

“Reclamation is pleased to continue our partnership with CDFW for operations of our Nimbus Fish Hatchery on the lower American River," said Drew Lessard, Central California area office manager. “The important work of ensuring yearly fish mitigation objectives is crucial for Reclamation to continue operations of Folsom Dam and the greater Central Valley Project.”

Under this new agreement, CDFW will continue operations and maintenance of the Nimbus Fish Hatchery with the objective of meeting Reclamation’s mitigation requirements for the construction of Nimbus Dam. The Chinook-salmon smolts and steelhead yearlings produced from this process are released back into the American river and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, helping conserve these vital fish populations.

For additional information email Sarah Perrin at or call at 916-537-7063 (TTY 800-877-8339).

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