News Release Archive

Environmental Analysis Begun on the Proposed Lower Yuba River Accord; Public Scoping Meetings Scheduled

Media Contact: Jeffrey McCracken, 916-978-5100,

For Release: June 20, 2005

The Bureau of Reclamation, the lead Federal agency under the National Environmental Policy Act, and the Yuba County Water Agency (YCWA), the lead State agency under the California Environmental Quality Act, are preparing a joint Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS) on the proposed Lower Yuba River Accord. The Notice of Intent was published in the Federal Register on Monday, June 20, 2005.

YCWA, a public water agency, is proposing the project to resolve instream flow issues associated with the operation of the Yuba River Development Project in a manner that protects and enhances the lower Yuba River fisheries and local water-supply reliability. The proposed project would provide revenues to fund Yuba Accord actions (conjunctive use and River Management Team) and YCWA flood control and water supply projects. It would provide water for the CALFED Program for the protection and restoration of Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta fisheries and improvements in State-wide water supply management, including supplemental water for Central Valley Project and State Water Project water contractors.

Documents related to the proposed project are available for public viewing at the Yuba County Library, 303 2nd Street, Marysville, CA, and at YCWA, 1402 D Street, Marysville. The documents may also be viewed on YCWA's Web site at For information on viewing the documents, please contact Ms. Jeanene Upton, YCWA, at 530-741-6278. Scoping meetings are scheduled to solicit public input on the significant issues and alternatives that should be addressed by Reclamation and YCWA in the EIR/EIS. The meetings will be held as follows:

Sacramento Tuesday, July 19, 2005 Two sessions: 1-3 p.m.; 6:30-8:30 p.m. Double Tree Hotel 2001 Point West Way

Marysville Wednesday, July 20, 2005 Two sessions: 1-3 p.m.; 6:30-8:30 p.m. Yuba County Government Center 915 8th Street

Written comments on the scope of the EIR/EIS are due by close of business on Thursday, August 4, 2005, to Ms. Mary Grim, Bureau of Reclamation, 2800 Cottage Way, MP-400, Sacramento CA 95825. Comments may also be submitted to: For more information on the project, please contact Ms. Grim at 916-978-5204 or If you require assistance at the meetings, please contact Janet Sierzputowski at 916-978-5112 (TDD 916-978-5608) or

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The Bureau of Reclamation is a federal agency under the U.S. Department of the Interior and is the nation's largest wholesale water supplier and second largest producer of hydroelectric power. Our facilities also provide substantial flood control, recreation opportunities, and environmental benefits. Visit our website at and follow us on Twitter @USBR; Facebook @bureau.of.reclamation; LinkedIn @Bureau of Reclamation; Instagram @bureau_of_reclamation; and YouTube @reclamation.

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Lower Yuba River Accord