News Release Archive

Reclamation Releases Reservoir Information

Media Contact: Jeff Nettleton, (605) 394-9757,
Ginger Wessels,

For Release: June 04, 2015

BISMARCK, N.D. -- Due to the precipitation forecast and current water levels, water releases from Pactola, Deerfield and Angostura Reservoirs will continue this week to manage reservoir elevations.

"We want to make the public aware of the water releases and water levels in the stream downstream of each of these facilities," said Jeff Nettleton, Manager of Facility Operation and Maintenance and Engineering Services for Reclamation's Dakotas Area Office in Rapid City.

"People recreating in or along these downstream areas should take appropriate safety precautions due to the increased flows," said Nettleton.

The City of Rapid City is currently releasing 500 cfs through the river outlet works at Pactola Dam. Rapid Creek is picking up water from other tributaries as it travels downstream from Pactola Dam into Rapid City. Rapid Creek also picks up additional tributaries and stormwater through the City of Rapid City, with creek flows eventually ranging between 600 cfs to 750 cfs through town.

A large thunderstorm event may require water releases from Pactola Dam to increase to approximately 700 cfs. This could result in larger flows well in excess of the current 750 cfs through town.

Rising water levels can be expected in the river downstream that may result in lowland flooding. Adjacent landowners should take appropriate precautions for property in lowland areas.

Safety Tips:

  • When driving, always be aware that the road bed under flood waters may be severely damaged. NEVER drive through flooded roadways. Remember that it takes only two feet of water to carry away a vehicle, including pickups and SUVs.
  • If your vehicle stalls, get out immediately and go to higher ground.
  • Be extra cautious at night, when it is harder to see possible flood dangers.
  • These four words could save your life: TURN AROUND, DON'T DROWN.

Pactola Dam is operated and maintained by the City of Rapid City through an agreement with the Bureau of Reclamation. The dam is currently being monitored daily by the City of Rapid City. The water level in Pactola Reservoir has risen into the designated flood pool storage, so the City of Rapid City and Bureau of Reclamation coordinate daily operations with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Pactola Dam was completed in 1956, but was modified in 1987 under the Reclamation Safety of Dams Act of 1978. The dam was raised 15 feet, and the spillway was enlarged in order to increase the spillway capacity.

The following information provides details on the status of Reclamation's South Dakota Reservoirs and Keyhole Reservoir in northeastern Wyoming.

Angostura Reservoir

Angostura Irrigation District continues to release water through the spillway and canal system into the Cheyenne River with the current release at approximately 700 cubic feet per second, and future releases will depend on inflows. The current water elevation at Angostura Reservoir is 3,185.1 feet which is 92 percent full. Angostura Reservoir is full at an elevation of 3,187.2 feet. Inflows into Angostura for water year 2015 are 218 percent of average for the period of record of the reservoir.

Pactola Reservoir

The City of Rapid City continues to release approximately 500 cubic feet per second into Rapid Creek from Pactola Reservoir. High releases could be maintained through the rest of June but this will be dependent on inflows. The current water elevation at Pactola Reservoir is 4,587.2 feet, which is higher than the previous record set in 1965 at elevation 4585.87. The conservation pool is 100 percent full, and we have entered the flood pool by 7 feet. Inflows into Pactola Reservoir for water year 2015 are 225 percent of average for the period of record of the reservoir.

Deerfield Reservoir

The City of Rapid City continues to release approximately 70 cubic feet per second from Deerfield Reservoir into Castle Creek, and high releases could be maintained through the rest of June. The current water elevation at Deerfield Reservoir is 5,907.95 feet with the full elevation at 5,908.0. Inflows into Deerfield Reservoir for water year 2015 are 155 percent of average for the period of record for the reservoir.

Belle Fourche

Belle Fourche Reservoir is 96 percent full with the current elevation at 2,974.1 feet. Full reservoir elevation is 2,975. The current release is approximately 155 cubic feet per second through North and South Canals. Belle Fourche Reservoir is an off-stream storage reservoir located on Owl Creek. The reservoir is filled by diverting water from the Belle Fourche River at the Diversion Dam near the city of Belle Fourche, through the Inlet Canal to the reservoir. The Belle Fourche Irrigation District had closed Inlet Canal for a portion of May since the reservoir was close to the full elevation. Inflows into Belle Fourche Reservoir for water year 2015 are 68 percent of average for the period of record of the reservoir.


Shadehill Reservoir is 90 percent full with the current elevation at 2,269.55 feet. Full reservoir elevation is 2,272 feet. Current releases through the outlet works have been set at approximately 50 cubic feet per second. Inflows into Shadehill Reservoir for water year 2015 are 63 percent of average for the period of record for the reservoir.

Keyhole Reservoir

Keyhole Reservoir is 97.6 percent full at an elevation of 4,098.9 feet. Full reservoir elevation is 4,099.3 feet. Currently there are no releases being made from Keyhole. Inflows into Keyhole Reservoir for water year 2015 are 82 percent of average for the period of record for the reservoir.

Note: The 2015 water year runs from October 1, 2014 to September 30, 2015.

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The Bureau of Reclamation is a federal agency under the U.S. Department of the Interior and is the nation's largest wholesale water supplier and second largest producer of hydroelectric power. Our facilities also provide substantial flood control, recreation opportunities, and environmental benefits. Visit our website at and follow us on Twitter @USBR; Facebook @bureau.of.reclamation; LinkedIn @Bureau of Reclamation; Instagram @bureau_of_reclamation; and YouTube @reclamation.

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