News Release Archive

New Social Media Channel for Reclamation’s Central Valley Project

Media Contact: Erin Curtis, 916-978-5100, 02/25/2015 14:24

For Release: February 25, 2015

SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- The Bureau of Reclamation has launched a new Twitter account for its largest water project ? the Central Valley Project in Northern California.

Follow @ReclamationCVP for the latest information about water operations, storage status and breaking news about the CVP’s 19 dams and reservoirs, 11 powerplants, and 500 miles of major canals and related facilities.

The CVP serves farms, homes and industry in California’s Central Valley as well as major urban centers in the San Francisco Bay Area. It is also the primary source of water for much of California’s wetlands. In addition to delivering water for farms, homes, factories and the environment, the CVP produces electric power and provides flood protection, navigation, recreation and water quality benefits.

Managed by Reclamation’s Mid-Pacific Region headquartered in Sacramento, Calif., the CVP annually delivers about 6 million acre-feet of water for agricultural, urban, and wildlife use.

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The Bureau of Reclamation is a federal agency under the U.S. Department of the Interior and is the nation's largest wholesale water supplier and second largest producer of hydroelectric power. Our facilities also provide substantial flood control, recreation opportunities, and environmental benefits. Visit our website at and follow us on Twitter @USBR; Facebook @bureau.of.reclamation; LinkedIn @Bureau of Reclamation; Instagram @bureau_of_reclamation; and YouTube @reclamation.