News Release Archive

Angostura and Shadehill Reservoir Release Information

Media Contact: Jeff Nettleton, (605) 394-9757,
Ginger Wessels,

For Release: March 11, 2014

Bismark, N.D. -- The Bureau of Reclamation has released operation plans for Angostura and Shadehill Reservoirs for Winter/Spring 2014.

Angostura Dam

The current elevation at Angostura is 3185.7 and is 1.5 feet from full. Reclamation began releasing water from Angostura Dam at approximately 275 cfs (cubic feet per second) on Sunday, March 9. This smaller release should allow more gradual melting of the ice in the river downstream from the dam to limit damage to downstream property and facilities due to potential formation and movement of ice dams. Reclamation anticipates water inflows to the reservoir will increase next week with additional precipitation and rising temperatures. As water inflows to the reservoir increase, the water release rate will also increase accordingly resulting in higher flows downstream in the Cheyenne River.

Inflows into the reservoir for the 2014 water year are about 318 percent of average. The majority of the inflows occurred in October 2013, which had the second highest recorded monthly inflows in 60 years.

Shadehill Dam

The present elevation at Shadehill is 2272.00 which is full elevation, and water will begin flowing through the uncontrolled spillway. A controlled release of 100 cfs is currently being made to the Grand River through the River Outlet Structure. These increased releases will affect the river crossings downstream.

The Inflows for the 2014 water year are 1,200 percent of average, with October inflows being the highest in 61 years. Due to early winter storms in October, the inflows raised the reservoir water level over 3 feet. Both controlled releases and spillway releases were made to the Grand River for approximately a month due to high reservoir elevations.

The following information provides details on the status of Reclamation's South Dakota Reservoirs and Keyhole Reservoir in northeastern Wyoming.

Keyhole Reservoir

Keyhole Reservoir is currently at elevation 4097.30 with a full reservoir elevation being 4099.3. There is no water being released from the dam at this time. Inflows for water year 2014 are 507 percent of average.

Belle Fourche

Belle Fourche Reservoir is currently at elevation 2971.15 with a full reservoir elevation being 2975.0. Current inflows into the Belle Fourche Reservoir from Inlet Canal are not being made at this time, but October inflows were the highest in 60 years. Belle Fourche Dam is an off-stream storage reservoir located on Owl Creek. The reservoir is filled by diverting water from the Belle Fourche River at the Diversion Dam near Belle Fourche, through the Inlet Canal to the reservoir. Additional inflows from Owl Creek, which flows directly into the Belle Fourche Reservoir, also contribute to the reservoir during snow melt and precipitation events.


Pactola Reservoir is currently at elevation 4574.4 feet which is 5.8 feet from full. Inflows for the 2014 water year are 280 percent of average. Pactola releases are currently set at 50 cfs, with January inflows being above average.

Deerfield Reservoir

Deerfield Reservoir is at elevation 5905.9 which is 2.1 feet from full. Inflows for the 2014 water year are 139 percent of average. The release from Deerfield to Castle Creek will be 14 cfs for the winter release.

Note: The 2014 water year runs from October 1, 2013 to September 30, 2014.

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The Bureau of Reclamation is a federal agency under the U.S. Department of the Interior and is the nation's largest wholesale water supplier and second largest producer of hydroelectric power. Our facilities also provide substantial flood control, recreation opportunities, and environmental benefits. Visit our website at and follow us on Twitter @USBR; Facebook @bureau.of.reclamation; LinkedIn @Bureau of Reclamation; Instagram @bureau_of_reclamation; and YouTube @reclamation.

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