News Release Archive

Non-Agricultural Discharge Draft Directive and Standard Available for Public Review

Media Contact: Peter Soeth, 303-445-3615

For Release: September 26, 2013

WASHINGTON - The Bureau of Reclamation is seeking public comment on the draft directive and standard for accepting non-agricultural discharges into Reclamation facilities. This new draft directive and standard identifies the requirements and procedures related to obtaining a use authorization from Reclamation to discharge into a Reclamation facility.

While Reclamation is not required to accept non-agricultural discharges into Reclamation facilities, it may authorize such discharges provided certain conditions are met. One such condition includes a demonstration by the discharger that any necessary water quality permits have been obtained.

This directive and standard was made available for public review in 2011. Based on those comments, and additional internal Reclamation review, this new version has been substantially revised. The changes include:

  • Certain specific criteria were eliminated from the directive and standard. Instead references were made to other rules and directive and standards including the 43 CFR part 429, Use of Bureau of Reclamation Land, Facilities, and Waterbodies.
  • Addition of an “Applicability Flowchart” to help identify the circumstances under which the requirements of this directive and standard will apply versus circumstances under which other mechanisms are in place to address Reclamation’s water quality concerns.
  • More detail describing how Reclamation will determine and administer appropriate fees associated with these use authorizations.

The draft directive and standard are available for review at

Comments or questions may be directed to Donald Anderson at dmanderson at Comments must be received by Reclamation by Nov. 12, 2013.

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The Bureau of Reclamation is a federal agency under the U.S. Department of the Interior and is the nation's largest wholesale water supplier and second largest producer of hydroelectric power. Our facilities also provide substantial flood control, recreation opportunities, and environmental benefits. Visit our website at and follow us on Twitter @USBR; Facebook @bureau.of.reclamation; LinkedIn @Bureau of Reclamation; Instagram @bureau_of_reclamation; and YouTube @reclamation.

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