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Fulp, Redlinger, Hvinden Take New Positions at Reclamation's Boulder City Office

Media Contact: Bob Walsh, 702-293-8421,

For Release: June 28, 2004

Terry Fulp, John Redlinger, and Steve Hvinden, all water management professionals at the Bureau of Reclamation's Lower Colorado Region office in Boulder City, Nev., recently began new assignments.

Fulp, who has been managing the River Operations Group, Boulder Canyon Operations Office (BCOO) since October 2002, is now the BCOO Area Manager. Redlinger, formerly the BCOO Deputy Area Manager, becomes Special Projects Manager for the Regional Director. Hvinden, who for the past 11 years has managed the Water Administration Group, will be the BCOO Deputy Area Manager.

"These professionals bring a great deal of expertise to their jobs," said Robert Johnson, Regional Director for the LC Region. "They all have extensive experience with and are very knowledgeable in Colorado River water and power contracting and delivery, planning and compliance, and large project management."

Fulp As BCOO Area Manager, Fulp will manage and direct the office's water and power activities. This includes providing management and leadership in interactions with the lower Colorado River Basin States and water and power users concerning delivery of contracted water and power, water and power use and accounting.

As River Operations Group Manager, Fulp managed the scheduling and delivery of water and power from lower Colorado River facilities, flood control releases from Hoover Dam, and development of an Annual Operation Plan for the lower river, among other tasks.

A Reclamation employee since 1989, Fulp was detailed to the University of Colorado-Boulder, Center for Advanced Decision Support for Water and Environmental Systems prior to heading up the River Operations Group. While there, he worked on river simulation modeling and data management. He also was co-principal investigator for the Watershed and River Systems Management Program, a Reclamation Science and Technology research and development program.

Prior to joining Reclamation, Fulp worked for the Atlantic Richfield Company for 10 years in research and development, technology transfer and operations.

Fulp has a Bachelor of Science degree in earth science from the University of Tulsa, a master's degree in geophysics from Stanford University, an M.S. degree in civil engineering from the University of Colorado, and a doctorate in mathematical and computer sciences from the Colorado School of Mines.

Redlinger In the newly-created position of Special Projects Manager for the Regional Director Redlinger will manage, coordinate, and address high profile issues relevant to the Lower Colorado River, water and power users, and other stakeholders.

The Special Projects Manager will directly represent the Regional Director on various committees, forums, and other groups with which Reclamation works. This position combines technical and planning skills, and the ability to work with diverse internal and external groups to fully address cross-cutting Colorado River issues.

As the BCOO Deputy Area Manager, Redlinger provided contracts and reservoir operations and water supply analysis for the Regional Director to support the Region's function as watermaster of the lower Colorado River on behalf of the Secretary of the Interior.

Redlinger is a registered professional engineer who has worked for Reclamation on Colorado River basin projects and issues for 29 years. He has served primarily as a project/study team leader for planning and operation programs throughout his career.

Projects on which Redlinger has worked include the development of Interim Surplus Guidelines for the lower Colorado River, water supply studies for Southern Nevada, a Yuma Desalting Plant operations study, studies for the lining of the All American Canal and the water supply for the San Luis Rey Indian water settlement, studies looking at potential off stream storage sites for Colorado River water in the lower Colorado River Basin, and the Lower Colorado Water Supply well field project.

He also worked five years as a Planning Team Leader for the Central Arizona Project, directly overseeing the Upper Gila River Water Supply Study and the Buttes Dam and Alternative Study.

Redlinger holds a Bachelor of Science degree in civil engineering from the University of Nebraska.

Hvinden As Deputy Area Manager, Hvinden will help Fulp manage the Boulder Canyon Operations Office. He will provide oversight for the Office's budget, management assistance for initiatives such as the demonstration forbearance program and unauthorized use program, and help craft Colorado River management strategies to deal with the drought and the changing needs for water in the Lower Basin.

With more than 23 years service in the LC Region, Hvinden most recently was manager of the Water Administration Group. That office addresses Colorado River water contracting, repayment, financial, water accounting, and acreage limitation issues. Prior to that he was the Regional Economist.

Hvinden has also worked on Central Arizona Project issues for the past 23 years. In the 1980's, he helped develop the contractual arrangements resulting in construction of the CAP distribution systems and in raising Central Arizona Water Conservation District's repayment ceiling.

Hvinden began his Federal career as a planning economist in Reclamation's Bismarck Office in North Dakota in 1980, where he worked about one year before transferring to the LC Region.

He has B.S. and M.S. degrees in agricultural economics from North Dakota State University.

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