News Release Archive

Reclamation Announces Updated 2012 Water Supplies for California’s Central Valley Project

Media Contact: Pete Lucero, 916-978-5100,

For Release: April 13, 2012

Thanks to improved precipitation in the Sacramento Valley and improved snowpack in the Northern Sierra, the Bureau of Reclamation is increasing the allocation for Central Valley Project (CVP) Exchange and Settlement Contractors, wildlife refuges, agricultural and municipal and industrial (M&I) water service contractors.

Precipitation in the Sacramento River Basin is currently 81 percent of the seasonal average to date, precipitation in the San Joaquin River Basin is 58 percent of the seasonal average to date, and the snow water content ranges from 81 percent of the April 1 average for the Northern Sierra to 32 percent for the Southern Sierra. Due to the improved hydrology since mid-March, combined with actions to improve water management throughout the CVP, Reclamation announces the following updated allocations based upon the 90-percent exceedence (dry future conditions) forecast:

North-of-Delta: • Agricultural and M&I water service contractors’ allocation has increased to 100 percent from the initial allocation of 30 percent for agricultural contractors and 75 percent of their historic use for M&I contractors of their contract supply of 782,740 acre-feet (includes American River M&I – 313,750 acre-feet, and Sacramento River M&I and Agriculture – 468,990 acre-feet).

• Sacramento River Settlement Contractors’ allocation has increased to 100 percent from the initial allocation of 75 percent of their contract supply of 2.1 MAF. These contractors receive their CVP water supply based upon pre-CVP held water rights, and the allocation is tied to pre-established Shasta inflow criteria.

• Wildlife refuges’ allocation has increased to 100 percent from the initial allocation of 75 percent of their Level 2 contract supply of 151,250 acre-feet. Refuge water allocations are also based upon Shasta inflow criteria.

South-of-Delta: • Agricultural water service contractors’ allocation has increased to 40 percent from the initial allocation of 30 percent of their contract supply of 1.9 MAF.

• M&I water service contractors’ allocation remains unchanged at 75 percent of their historic use. The allocations may be adjusted to meet public health and safety needs.

• The allocation for San Joaquin River Exchange and Settlement Contractors has increased to 100 percent of their contract supply of 875,000 acre-feet from their initial allocation of 75 percent. These contractors receive their CVP water supply based upon pre-CVP held water rights, and the allocation is tied to Shasta inflow criteria.

• Wildlife refuges’ allocation (Level 2) has increased to 100 percent from the initial allocation of 75 percent of their contract supply of 271,000 acre-feet. The refuges’ allocation is based upon Shasta inflow criteria.

Other: • Friant Division contractors’ water supply is delivered from Millerton Reservoir on the upper San Joaquin River. The first 800,000 acre-feet of water supply is considered Class 1; any remaining water is considered Class 2. The Friant Division water supply allocation has increased to 45 percent from the initial allocation of 35 percent of Class 1 and Class 2 remains unchanged at zero percent of the contracted supply of 1.4 MAF.

• There is no change to the 100 percent allocation for Eastside water service contractors (Central San Joaquin Water Conservancy District and Stockton East Water District), whose water supplies are delivered from New Melones Reservoir on the Stanislaus River; they are allocated their full contract supply of 155,000 acre-feet.

• Contra Costa Water District’s allocation has increased to 100 percent from the initial allocation of 75 percent of their historic use.

Reclamation has developed a series of actions in the CVP Water Plan 2012 to help support water management efforts this year. The plan, available at, identifies actions related to Joint Point of Diversion, Exchange Contractors’ transfers, and California Aqueduct/Delta-Mendota Canal Intertie operations. Any of these actions may offer opportunities to better manage critical water supplies.

Changes to hydrology and opportunities to exercise operational flexibility of the CVP will influence allocations during the remainder of the water year. Reclamation is monitoring the hydrologic and operating conditions and working closely with local, state and federal partners to take immediate advantage of any opportunities to increase CVP allocations. Water supply updates will be made as appropriate and posted at

For additional information, please contact the Public Affairs Office at 916-978-5100 (TTY 916-978-5608) or e-mail

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The Bureau of Reclamation is a federal agency under the U.S. Department of the Interior and is the nation's largest wholesale water supplier and second largest producer of hydroelectric power. Our facilities also provide substantial flood control, recreation opportunities, and environmental benefits. Visit our website at and follow us on Twitter @USBR; Facebook @bureau.of.reclamation; LinkedIn @Bureau of Reclamation; Instagram @bureau_of_reclamation; and YouTube @reclamation.

Relevant Link:

Reclamation's Water Supply Updates

The CVP Water Plan 2012