News Release Archive

Bypass Releases to Begin Again at Flaming Gorge - Frequent Operational Changes Likely During Runoff

Media Contact: Lisa Iams, (801) 524- 3673,
Heather Hermansen,

For Release: June 07, 2011

Beginning at 7:00 pm on Thursday, June 9, Reclamation will begin releasing water from the bypass outlets at Flaming Gorge Dam for the second time this spring to evacuate reservoir storage capacity in response to increased forecasted inflows. With this year's record snowpack, delayed runoff, and unusual temperatures, frequent operational changes are likely to occur during the runoff period to accommodate inflows and reduce downstream flooding.

Reclamation continues to work closely with the Colorado Basin River Forecast Center and National Weather Service to adjust operations according to the latest forecast data. The CBRFC's final June inflow forecast increased to 1.89 million acre-feet or 159 percent of average. Approximately 75 percent of the total volume is expected between now and the end of July. Inflows have increased the elevation of the reservoir by approximately ½ foot over the last three days.

In order to accommodate the high inflows and provide the necessary flexibility to avoid the need for making significantly higher releases in the coming weeks, releases will be increased above powerplant capacity by 2,000 cfs to 6,600 cfs utilizing the bypass outlets for a period of five to seven days. Duration of the bypass releases will be adjusted according to daily updated forecast data to ensure they have ceased when the Yampa River peaks as temperatures increase. Because changes in temperature and inflows can occur in as little as 24 hours, Reclamation emphasizes the need for public awareness of the potential for high flows and significant fluctuations in the river downstream.

Flows on the Green River at Jensen, UT are currently 26,800 cfs and are anticipated to remain within a flow pattern up to 31,000 cfs as cooler temperatures have prevailed. Depending on the timing of a higher flow level as the Yampa peaks, Reclamation intends to reduce releases from the dam to the extent practicable to reduce flooding in the Green River below the confluence.

Reclamation continues to communicate and coordinate with Utah Division of Water Resources, Forest Service, Daggett County, town of Jensen, and city of Green River to ensure they are aware of the expected flood stage river levels and can plan accordingly.

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The Bureau of Reclamation is a federal agency under the U.S. Department of the Interior and is the nation's largest wholesale water supplier and second largest producer of hydroelectric power. Our facilities also provide substantial flood control, recreation opportunities, and environmental benefits. Visit our website at and follow us on Twitter @USBR; Facebook @bureau.of.reclamation; LinkedIn @Bureau of Reclamation; Instagram @bureau_of_reclamation; and YouTube @reclamation.