News Release Archive

Reclamation Warns of High Water Over Holiday Weekend

Media Contact: David Walsh, (208) 378-5026,
Mike Beus,

For Release: May 27, 2011

Over the Memorial Day weekend, Palisades Dam will be operated to keep flows of the Snake River below the Henrys Fork confluence at or below their recent peaks. High flows are necessary to reduce the threat of even higher flows in June.

Remaining snow in the Snake River watershed above Palisades Dam and in the Henrys Fork is at record levels for this date. River flow below Palisades Dam has been held high for almost three weeks to slow the refill of Palisades Reservoir and Jackson Lake. This action has allowed water managers to reserve space for very high inflows that are anticipated in the weeks ahead. Irrigation diversions typically reduce the flow of the river, but remain substantially below average due to recent rain.

Presently, the Snake River below Palisades Dam is running about 21,000 cubic feet per second. Flows in excess of 25,000 cfs are almost certain to occur next week. The most recent crest of the Henrys Fork near Rexburg was about 11,700 cfs on Thursday morning. Downstream near Shelley, Idaho, the Snake River is running almost 29,000 cfs.

Without Reclamation's reservoir operations, the flow of the Snake River near Heise, Idaho would peak above 50,000 cfs. Natural flows in excess of 30,000 cfs would persist for 30 days or more. So far, the natural flow has exceeded 30,000 cfs on May 16 and May 25.

If rain does not increase the flow of the Henrys Fork and cooler temperatures continue to slow the rate of snowmelt, Reclamation may have an opportunity to increase the flow below Palisades without exceeding flow rates that have already been reached below the Henrys Fork confluence.

Reclamation water managers advise that continued flood control operations may call for sudden, unexpected changes in river levels. Flood swollen rivers can cause soggy embankments, swift water, and carry floating debris. Recreationists should avoid activities in or on the river and exercise extreme caution when working or playing near them.

Palisades Dam was constructed by Reclamation in 1957 as part of the Palisades Project. It is a multipurpose facility that provides for irrigation, flood control, hydropower, and recreation.

Local residents with questions about the reservoir operations may contact Mike Beus, Water Operations Manager at (208) 678-0461, ext. 27.

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The Bureau of Reclamation is a federal agency under the U.S. Department of the Interior and is the nation's largest wholesale water supplier and second largest producer of hydroelectric power. Our facilities also provide substantial flood control, recreation opportunities, and environmental benefits. Visit our website at and follow us on Twitter @USBR; Facebook @bureau.of.reclamation; LinkedIn @Bureau of Reclamation; Instagram @bureau_of_reclamation; and YouTube @reclamation.