News Release Archive

St. Mary Canal Shut Down for Repairs

Media Contact: Todd Dixon, (406) 247-7303, 07/22/2004 00:00

For Release: July 22, 2004

The Bureau of Reclamation's Acting Montana Area Manager, James Macartney, said Reclamation began reducing the flow of water in the St. Mary Canal Thursday and will completely shut off the flow by Monday after a leak was discovered in one of the siphons which convey the canal water across the St. Mary River near Babb, Mont. He noted because the water stored in Reclamation's downstream reservoirs is greater than average for this time of the year, water deliveries for irrigation and municipal use should not be seriously affected.

Macartney said the water had to be shut off to find the location and cause of the leak and to facilitate repairs. He said once the water is completely shut off, crews will determine what repairs need to be made and how long they will take.

Macartney said water which would normally be flowing through the canal during the shutoff can be held in Sherburne Lake. He said, however, the flow in the Milk River will be reduced by the amount of water which normally flows through the St. Mary Canal.

The canal conveys water from the St. Mary River for 29 miles where it empties into the Milk River. The water is then stored in Fresno and Nelson reservoirs for downstream irrigation and municipal uses in Montana.

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