News Release Archive

Reclamation Announces Contract for Shoreline Protection of Ketterling's Point Recreation Area at Shadehill Reservoir

Media Contact: Curt Anderson, (605) 394-9757
Jeff Nettleton

For Release: April 12, 2011

The Bureau of Reclamation will issue a contract for riprap work planned for Ketterling's Point Recreation Area at Shadehill Reservoir. The work is located approximately 14 miles from Lemmon, South Dakota on the north shore of Shadehill Reservoir. Shoreline erosion that occurred in 2009 will be controlled and the existing shoreline protected from further erosion by installing riprap protection on the west side of Ketterling's point.

During the 2009 flood season wave action eroded an area of shoreline approximately 2000-feet long and 20-feet deep on the west side of Ketterling's Point Recreation Area. The water level in 2009 rose to elevation 2290.2 on April 17th which is 18.2 feet into the flood pool.

Jeff Nettleton, Chief of Facility Operation and Maintenance and Engineering Services for Reclamation's Dakotas Area Office stated that after the reservoir stops spilling from the recent snow melt we will begin to make releases to lower the reservoir water surface to around 2263.5 by August 1, 2011 (full elevation at Shadehill is 2272.0). This will require releases from the controlled outlet works of the dam that are much higher than usual during May through July. Reclamation has discussed this with landowners along the Grand River below Shadehill and notified the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. Controlled releases are anticipated to be around 400 cubic feet per second (cfs) through May and should decline some in June and July. These releases are dependent upon the weather and the precipitation that occurs this spring and summer.

The following is the status of Reclamation's South Dakota Reservoirs and Keyhole Reservoir in northeastern Wyoming.


March inflows at Shadehill Reservoir were the 4th highest for the period of record of the reservoir (recorded inflows since the reservoir was constructed). The March inflow volume totaled 103,000 acre-feet with the peak inflow rate occurring on March 18th at 9,300 cfs. The peak spill from the reservoir to the Grand River occurred on March 22nd at 3,500 cfs. Shadehill's elevation peaked at 2276.65 which is 4.65 feet into the flood pool. The present elevation at Shadehill is 2273.4 and slowly dropping. Shadehill is currently spilling 1,100 cfs.

Belle Fourche

Belle Fourche Reservoir is currently at elevation 2973.85 with a full reservoir elevation being 2975.0. The Diversion Dam river outlet gates are currently open to allow river flows to proceed down the Belle Fourche River. The reservoir elevation has held steady near elevation 2974 for several weeks.

Belle Fourche Dam is an off-stream storage reservoir located on Owl Creek. The reservoir is filled by diverting water from the Belle Fourche River at the Diversion Dam near Belle Fourche, through the Inlet Canal to the reservoir. Additional inflows from Owl Creek, which flows directly into the Belle Fourche Reservoir, also contribute to the reservoir during snow melt and precipitation events.

Angostura Reservoir

The current elevation at Angostura is 3186.0 and a release of 300 cfs is being made through the spillway to the Cheyenne River. Angostura Reservoir is full at elevation 3187.2. March monthly inflows to Angostura were the 2nd highest for the period of record of the reservoir. The March monthly inflow volume totaled 44,000 acre-feet. The highest monthly inflow volume of record for March was 49,000 acre-feet that occurred in 1978. The peak inflow rate for March of this year occurred on Sunday March 13th at 4,000 cfs and the current inflows are running around 250 cfs. The peak release rate for this March occurred on the 14th at 2,700 cfs. Inflows into the reservoir through March for the 2011 water year (water year is from October 1, 2010 to September 30, 2011) are about 280 percent of average.


Pactola Reservoir is currently at elevation 4577.7 feet which is 2.5 feet from full. Inflows for the water year to date, which runs from October 1st of 2010 through the present, are over 140 percent of average. Pactola releases are currently set at 65 cfs. There is still significant snow pack in the upper portions of the basin and releases will be adjusted as spring inflows change.

Deerfield Reservoir

Deerfield Reservoir is at elevation 5906.2 which is less than 2 feet from full. Full elevation at Deerfield is 5908.0 and inflows since October 1, 2010 (water year 2011) have averaged 125 percent of average. The release from Deerfield to Castle Creek is 25 cfs. Deerfield also has significant snow pack in the basin above the reservoir.

Keyhole Reservoir

Keyhole Reservoir rose almost 3 feet during the month of March. Inflows were nearly 300% of average and the present elevation is 4092.7. The elevation last year at this time was 4088.3. Inflows to Keyhole for March of 2011 totaled 19,000 acre-feet with the average for the period of record for March being 6,500 acre-feet. No releases from Keyhole are being made.

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The Bureau of Reclamation is a federal agency under the U.S. Department of the Interior and is the nation's largest wholesale water supplier and second largest producer of hydroelectric power. Our facilities also provide substantial flood control, recreation opportunities, and environmental benefits. Visit our website at and follow us on Twitter @USBR; Facebook @bureau.of.reclamation; LinkedIn @Bureau of Reclamation; Instagram @bureau_of_reclamation; and YouTube @reclamation.

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