News Release Archive

Nimbus Hatchery Fish Passage Project Draft EIS/EIR Released for Public Review; Two Open House Sessions Scheduled

Media Contact: Pete Lucero, 916-978-5100, 10/04/2010 12:30
Harry Morse, 916-322-8962,

For Release: October 04, 2010

Interactive photo of the hatchery - click to visit the website for more informationThe Bureau of Reclamation and the California Department of Fish and Game have released the Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report (EIS/EIR) for the Nimbus Hatchery Fish Passage Project (Project). Reclamation is the lead federal agency for the EIS under the National Environmental Policy Act. DFG is the lead state agency for the EIR under the California Environmental Quality Act.

The Draft EIS/EIR identifies and evaluates three alternatives: (1) replace the existing weir with a new weir structure, (2) extend the fish ladder from the hatchery to the Nimbus Dam stilling basin, using the basin itself to hold and divert fish into the ladder, and (3) no action. With the second alternative, the existing weir would be permanently removed and DFG would assess potential changes in local fishing regulations.

Reclamation and DFG will hold two Open House sessions to provide project information and receive comments on the Draft EIS/EIR. The public is welcome any time during either of the two Open House sessions to visit with Reclamation and DFG staff members at information stations, ask questions, and provide comments:

Thursday, November 4, 2010
Afternoon Open House, 2-3:30 p.m. or
Evening Open House, 6:30-8:00 p.m.
California State University Sacramento Aquatic Center
1901 Hazel Avenue, Gold River, CA 95670

The Nimbus Fish Hatchery is located along the lower American River, one quarter mile downstream from Nimbus Dam in Gold River. Reclamation built the hatchery in 1955 to mitigate for the loss of spawning habitat for Chinook salmon and steelhead trout by the construction of Nimbus Dam; DFG operates and maintains the hatchery. The existing fish weir, which helps adult salmon enter the fish ladder, is aging, susceptible to damage from high flows, and requires annual flow reductions for maintenance activities.

The Draft EIS/EIR may be viewed online. If you encounter problems accessing the document online, please call 916-978-5100 or e-mail The Draft EIS/EIR may also be viewed at Reclamation's Central California Area Office, 7794 Folsom Dam Road, Folsom, CA 95630 or at the DFG Regional Office, 1701 Nimbus Road, Gold River, CA 95670.

Written comments will be accepted until close of business Tuesday, November 30, 2010, and should be sent to David Robinson, Bureau of Reclamation, Central California Area Office, 7794 Folsom Dam Road, Folsom, CA 95630, or e-mailed to, or faxed to 916-989-7208.

For additional information, please contact Mr. Robinson at 916-989-7179 (TTY 916-989-7285) or e-mail, or Joe Johnson, DFG, at 916-358-2943 or e-mail, or visit the project website at

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