News Release Archive

Draft EIS/EIR Released and Public Meeting Scheduled for the South Coast Conduit Upper Reach Reliability Project

Media Contact: Pete Lucero, 916-978-5100,

For Release: August 20, 2008

The Bureau of Reclamation and the Cachuma Operations and Maintenance Board (COMB) announce that the Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report (EIS/EIR) for the South Coast Conduit (SCC) Upper Reach Reliability Project is available for a 45-day public review.  The Draft EIS/EIR has been prepared to describe the potential environmental impacts of alternative pipeline alignments of an additional pipeline near the existing water supply pipeline between the South Portal of the Tecolote Tunnel and the Corona Del Mar Water Treatment Plant near the city of Goleta.  The purpose of the project is to increase operational flexibility, reliability, and conveyance capacity along this stretch of pipeline.  The total amount of water delivered per year would not increase.  

The existing SCC/Upper Reach pipeline provides approximately 80 percent of the water supply for communities along the South Coast of Santa Barbara County.  Reclamation owns the SCC facilities and COMB manages the facilities under a Transfer of Operations and Maintenance Contract with Reclamation.  The SCC operates at capacity for extended periods of time and during peak demands is unable to provide the water needed.  No additional supply or pipeline exists to convey Cachuma Project or State Water Project water to the South Coast if the upper reach of the SCC is out of service due to scheduled and/or unexpected repairs. 

A public meeting will be held to provide information and receive oral and written comments on the Draft EIS/EIR in
Santa Barbara on Wednesday, September 10, 2008, from 6-8 p.m., at COMB's offices, 3301 Laurel Canyon Road.

The document was prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act and California Environmental Quality Act.  It may be viewed at:  If you have problems accessing the document, please contact Ms. Lynnette Wirth at 916-978-5102 or  The Draft EIS/EIR is also accessible on the COMB website at

To request copies of the document or to submit comments, please contact Ms. Judi Tapia at 559-487-5138, TDD 559-487-5933, e-mail, or Bureau of Reclamation, 1243 N Street, Fresno, CA 93721-1831.  You may also contact Mr. Brett Gray at
805-687-4401, e-mail, or Cachuma Operation and Maintenance Board, 3301 Laurel Canyon Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93105.  The document may also be viewed at Reclamations Fresno office, at the COMBs office, or at various libraries in the Santa Barbara/Goleta area. 

Written comments on the Draft EIS/EIR must be received by close of business Friday, October 3, 2008, and should be addressed to Ms. Judi Tapia or Mr. Brett Gray at the above addresses. 

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The Bureau of Reclamation is a federal agency under the U.S. Department of the Interior and is the nation's largest wholesale water supplier and second largest producer of hydroelectric power. Our facilities also provide substantial flood control, recreation opportunities, and environmental benefits. Visit our website at and follow us on Twitter @USBR; Facebook @bureau.of.reclamation; LinkedIn @Bureau of Reclamation; Instagram @bureau_of_reclamation; and YouTube @reclamation.

Relevant Link:

South Coast Conduit Upper Reach Reliability Project EIS/EIR

Draft EIS/EIR - COMB Website