News Release Archive

Notice of Preparation Available for a Master EA/EIR on Future Trinity River Restoration Program Activities

Media Contact: Jeffrey McCracken, 916-978-5100, 04/09/2008 20:44

For Release: April 09, 2008

Under guidance of the Trinity River Restoration Program (TRRP), the Bureau of Reclamation, the Federal lead agency, and the North Coast Region Water Quality Control Board, the State lead agency, announce the availability of a Notice of Preparation (NOP) for a Draft Master Environmental Assessment (EA) and Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the "Completion of Phase 1 Channel Rehabilitation Projects with Planned Phase 2 Channel Rehabilitation and Sediment Management Projects." The Master EA/EIR will be site-specific for completion of Phase 1 Projects (the Remaining 8 Group of Sites) and will cover a plan for Phase 2 and Sediment Management Projects, which will cover future channel rehabilitation projects and will address fine and coarse sediment management needs between Lewiston and the North Fork Trinity River. This will be a joint document prepared to meet California Environmental Quality Act and National Environmental Policy Act requirements.

The Remaining 8 Group of Sites is located between the Old Lewiston Bridge and the Bureau of Land Management Douglas City campground. Within the Remaining 8 Group of Sites, fisheries' habitat will be enhanced through construction of slow-water refuge habitats, placement of large woody debris, and introduction of gravel into the river's floodplain. Construction of these sites, planned for 2009, will complete Phase 1 of the TRRP as described in the December 19, 2000, Record of Decision for the Trinity River Mainstem Fishery Restoration Environmental Impact Statement. Integration of the Remaining 8 Group of Sites with completed habitat work from other channel rehabilitation sites, increased Trinity River flows, and enhanced river processes will work to maintain long-term fisheries' habitat downstream of Lewiston Dam.

A public scoping period began March 28, 2008, and will continue through May 12, 2008, to solicit comments to assist the lead agencies in identifying the range of actions, alternatives, mitigation measures, and significant effects to be analyzed in the Draft Master EA/EIR. A public scoping meeting will be held Wednesday, April 16, 2008, at 6:30 p.m. at the Douglas City Fire Hall in Douglas City, CA. Project information will be presented and comments on the scope of the Draft Master EA/EIR will be accepted. Project information and a complete copy of the NOP is available at: or on Reclamations website at:

For further information, or to receive a copy of the NOP, please contact Mr. Brandt Gutermuth, Bureau of Reclamation, at 530-623-1806. Comments may be sent to Mr. Gutermuth, Trinity River Restoration Program, P.O. Box 1300, Weaverville, CA 96093, or e-mailed to

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