News Release Archive

Reclamation to Lease Water from NMISC Project

Media Contact: Mary Perea Carlson, (505) 462-3576,

For Release: July 25, 2007

The Bureau of Reclamation today joined the New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission in celebrating the completion of the Vaughan Pipeline south of Fort Sumner.

Reclamation will lease the groundwater pumped from the Vaughan ranch, where the New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission owns some groundwater rights. The water will travel through the pipeline constructed by NMISC into the Pecos River where it will be used to supplement existing flows. The supplemental water will provide increased flows for the benefit of the federally threatened Pecos bluntnose shiner, while conserving the water used by farmers and others along the river.

"This is our first partnership project with the state undertaken as part of New Mexico's strategic water initiative," said Connie Rupp, Albuquerque Area Manager for the Bureau of Reclamation. "This project and the agreement to lease water is a great example of the state of New Mexico and the Bureau of Reclamation working together to improve conditions along the Pecos River without harming the water users who rely on the river."

Reclamation's Upper Colorado Region Manager Rick Gold praised the Vaughan family for its forward thinking and cooperation in allowing the state to buy the water rights and pump the water from its property. He also thanked the New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission, Carlsbad Irrigation District and Fort Sumner Irrigation Districts for their continued cooperation.

In July 2006, Reclamation issued a Record of Decision for the Carlsbad Project Water Operations and Water Supply Conservation Final Environmental Impact Statement. It mandated changes in water operations within the Pecos River to conserve the Pecos bluntnose shiner and the Carlsbad Project water supply.

As part of the consultation process under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), the US Fish and Wildlife Service issued a Biological Opinion which included a provision to keep the river continuous.

Reclamation is committed to work within its discretionary authority to meet these requirements. This Vaughan pipeline provides an essential tool for that process. Reclamation is currently identifying additional supplemental water sources.

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The Bureau of Reclamation is a federal agency under the U.S. Department of the Interior and is the nation's largest wholesale water supplier and second largest producer of hydroelectric power. Our facilities also provide substantial flood control, recreation opportunities, and environmental benefits. Visit our website at and follow us on Twitter @USBR; Facebook @bureau.of.reclamation; LinkedIn @Bureau of Reclamation; Instagram @bureau_of_reclamation; and YouTube @reclamation.