News Release Archive

Bureau of Reclamation Issues June Operations Plan for Yellowtail Dam

Media Contact: Paula A. Holwegner, (406) 247-7300,
Mark Andersen,

For Release: June 11, 2007

According to Dan Jewell, Area Manager for the Bureau of Reclamation's Montana Area Office, inflows to Yellowtail Reservoir (Bighorn Lake) during the month of May were about 80 percent of average, compared to only 58 percent of average during April. In addition, precipitation during the first week of June has been well-above average throughout the Bighorn Basin. "I'm not ready to suggest that we're out-of-the-woods yet," Jewell said, "but things are definitely looking better than they have been for several months."

Reclamation plans to maintain releases from Yellowtail Dam to the Bighorn River at 1,500 cubic feet per second (cfs) through June, in a continuing effort to conserve storage. "Our efforts to conserve storage are beginning to show dividends," Jewell noted. "With a little luck, we should be able to provide some increase in releases to the Bighorn River during July and August, while still conserving sufficient storage to better meet fall and winter demands. We'll just have to wait and see how the rest of June plays out."

Reclamation will continue to keep the public apprised of any changes to Yellowtail operations. Any questions regarding the June operations plan should be directed to Ms. Paula Holwegner of Reclamation's Montana Area Office at (406) 247-7300.

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