News Release Archive

Draft EA Available for a 1-Year Warren Act Contract for Water Conveyance for Kern-Tulare Water District and Rag Gulch Water District

Media Contact: Jeffrey McCracken, 916-978-5100,

For Release: February 22, 2007

The Bureau of Reclamation announces the availability of the Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Contract for Conveyance of Non-Project Water for Kern-Tulare Water District and Rag Gulch Water District.  

Reclamation proposes to approve a 1-Year Warren Act contract to convey 20,000 acre-feet of non-Central Valley Project (Project) water for Kern-Tulare and Rag Gulch Water Districts (Districts).  The term of the Warren Act contract is for the 2007 water year, ending February 28, 2008.  The purpose of the Warren Act contract is to allow the Districts to convey their non-Project water through the Friant-Kern Canal when excess capacity is available.  The proposed action would allow direct deliveries to the Districts without requiring an exchange through a facilitating intermediary.
The Draft EA has been prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act and is available for a 15-day public review.  The document is available online at  If you encounter problems accessing documents online, please contact Ms. Lynnette Wirth at 916-978-5102 or e-mail

The EA will be finalized upon conclusion of the public review period.  Comments are due by close of business Thursday, March 8, 2007.  For additional information or to request a copy of the draft document, please contact Ms. Laura Myers at 559-487-5179.  Written comments may be mailed to Ms. Myers,

Bureau of Reclamation, 1243 N Street, Fresno, CA 93721, faxed to 559-487-5397, or e-mailed to

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The Bureau of Reclamation is a federal agency under the U.S. Department of the Interior and is the nation's largest wholesale water supplier and second largest producer of hydroelectric power. Our facilities also provide substantial flood control, recreation opportunities, and environmental benefits. Visit our website at and follow us on Twitter @USBR; Facebook @bureau.of.reclamation; LinkedIn @Bureau of Reclamation; Instagram @bureau_of_reclamation; and YouTube @reclamation.

Relevant Link:

Draft EA Available for a 1-Year Warren Act Contract for Water Conveyance for Kern-Tulare Water District and Rag Gulch Water District