News Release Archive

Reclamation's FY 2008 Budget Request is $958.4 Million

Media Contact: Dan DuBray, 202-513-0574,

For Release: February 05, 2007

The President's FY 2008 budget request, released today, includes a total of $958.4 million for the Department of the Interior's Bureau of Reclamation. The President's request continues to demonstrate the Administration's commitment to eliminate the federal deficit by 2012.

The Administration's FY 2008 budget proposal supports Reclamation's mission of managing, developing and protecting water and related resources in an environmentally and economically sound manner in the interest of the American people. The budget emphasizes reliable water delivery and power generation by requesting over $386 million to fund operation and maintenance activities at Reclamation facilities. Reclamation is committed to working with its customers, States, Tribes, and other stakeholders to find ways to balance and provide for the mix of water resource needs in 2008 and beyond.

One of several ways that Reclamation is assisting the West in addressing its water supply issues is through Water 2025 challenge grants. The budget request includes $11 million for Water 2025, a priority for the Department. The budget also includes $14.0 million for other water conservation grants. "The western states are experiencing increasing water supply challenges, and the continuing drought makes these pressures more acute," Assistant Secretary for Water and Science, Mark Limbaugh said. "Being proactive is the best approach to prevent water conflicts," Limbaugh continued. "These grants will help prevent conflict over the limited water resources in the West by stretching existing supplies and improving aging infrastructure through realistic and cooperative local approaches."

The President is also proposing $1.0 million to initiate a Loan Guarantee Program, which will become a critical component in addressing aging water infrastructure challenges in the West. "As population and competition for water have been growing, we're placing more and more demands on our water infrastructure that in some cases is 100 years old. Maintaining and enhancing the long-term viability and reliability of our facilities is a significant challenge," said Commissioner Bob Johnson. The loan guarantee program represents a business-like approach that recognizes the difficulties many water districts face in financing expensive repairs. The program was recently authorized by the 109th Congress.

Specifics of the budget request include:

  • $58.0 million for the Animas La Plata Project to continue implementation of the Colorado Ute Settlement Act Amendments of 2000;
  • $77.0 million for the Dam Safety Program to continue dam safety risk management and risk reduction activities throughout Reclamations inventory of high- and significant-hazard dams. Corrective actions are planned to continue or start at a number of facilities. A major focus in FY 2008 will be modifications at Folsom Dam, CA;
  • $35.5 million for Site Security to continue Reclamation's on-going site security program that includes physical security upgrades at key facilities, guards and patrols, anti-terrorism program activities, security risk assessments, and security-related studies;
  • $25.0 million for the Klamath Project to continue funding for studies and initiatives related to improving water supplies to meet the competing demands of agricultural, tribal, wildlife refuge, and environmental needs in the Klamath River basin including support for a basinwide collaborative restoration program;
  • $23.2 million for the Middle Rio Grande Project to continue the operations, maintenance, and rehabilitation of project facilities, and for Bureau of Reclamation efforts focused on the protection and recovery of the Rio Grande silvery minnow and southwestern willow flycatcher;
  • $31.8 million for the California Bay-Delta Program to continue funding for the environmental water account, storage program, water conveyance, ecosystem restoration, water quality, science and program oversight;
  • $51.6 million for the Central Valley Project Restoration Fund to continue funding a variety of activities to restore fish and wildlife habitat and populations in the CVP service area of California;
  • Legislation is proposed for the San Joaquin River litigation settlement, which would establish a new San Joaquin River Restoration Fund;
  • $15.4 million for the Lower Colorado River Operations Program to provide long-term Endangered Species Act compliance for lower Colorado River operations.

The Bureau of Reclamation throughout the 17 western states is committed to helping meet the many water challenges of the West. A driving force behind Bureau initiatives is resolution of water issues that will benefit future generations.

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The Bureau of Reclamation is a federal agency under the U.S. Department of the Interior and is the nation's largest wholesale water supplier and second largest producer of hydroelectric power. Our facilities also provide substantial flood control, recreation opportunities, and environmental benefits. Visit our website at and follow us on Twitter @USBR; Facebook @bureau.of.reclamation; LinkedIn @Bureau of Reclamation; Instagram @bureau_of_reclamation; and YouTube @reclamation.

Relevant Link:

Budget Fact Sheets

2008 Budget Request