News Release Archive

Environmental Documents Available for Renewal of Cities of Fresno and Lindsay's CVP Long-Term Water Service Contracts

Media Contact: Jeffrey McCracken, 916-978-5100,

For Release: September 07, 2004

The Bureau of Reclamation announces the availability of the Draft Supplemental Environmental Assessments (SEAs) and the Draft Findings of No Significant Impact (FONSIs) for the proposed long-term renewal of Central Valley Project water service contracts between Reclamation and the City of Fresno and the City of Lindsay. The proposed contract for the City of Fresno is for delivery of up to 60,000 acre-feet per year of Friant Class 1 water for municipal and industrial purposes for 40 years. The proposed contracts for the City of Lindsay is for delivery of up to 2,500 acre-feet per year of Friant Class 1 water for municipal and industrial purposes for 40 years.

On October 16, 2000, Reclamation circulated the Draft Friant Division Long-Term Contract Renewal Environmental Assessment (2000 Draft EA) for public review. In January 2001, Reclamation completed a Final Friant Division Long-Term Contract Renewal Environmental Assessment (2001 Final EA) and prepared a FONSI. However, the Friant Division documents analyzed the effects of each contract for a period of 25 years. Subsequently, the City of Fresno and the City of Lindsay have been offered 40-year contracts. Reclamation determined SEAs are required to examine the potential effects of an additional 15 years for the Fresno and Lindsay's water service contracts. These SEAs analyze effects of the continued delivery of water to Fresno and Lindsay through the year 2045. The 2000 Draft EA, 2001 Final EA, and January 2001 FONSI are incorporated into the Draft SEAs by reference.

The Draft SEAs and Draft FONSIs were prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act and are available for a 30-day public review and comment period. The documents are available online at, click on Draft EA/FONSI and scroll to City of Lindsay or City of Fresno. The draft documents can also be reviewed at Reclamation's Fresno Office at the address indicated below. The associated long-term renewed water service contracts began a separate but concurrent 60-day public review on September 3, 2004.

Written comments must be received by close of business on Monday, October 4, 2004, and should be sent to: Ms. Lynne Silva, Bureau of Reclamation, South Central California Area Office, 1243 N Street, Fresno, CA 93721. Comments may also be faxed to Ms. Silva at 559-487-5397 or e-mailed to For additional information or to request a copy of the draft documents, please contact Ms. Silva at 559-487-5807, TDD 559-487-5933.

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The Bureau of Reclamation is a federal agency under the U.S. Department of the Interior and is the nation's largest wholesale water supplier and second largest producer of hydroelectric power. Our facilities also provide substantial flood control, recreation opportunities, and environmental benefits. Visit our website at and follow us on Twitter @USBR; Facebook @bureau.of.reclamation; LinkedIn @Bureau of Reclamation; Instagram @bureau_of_reclamation; and YouTube @reclamation.

Relevant Link:

Draft Supplemental Environmental Assessments (SEAs) and the Draft Findings of No Significant Impact (FONSIs)