News Release Archive

POSTPONED - Working Session on the Organizational Structure for the Klamath River Basin Conservation Implementation Program

Media Contact: Jeffrey S. McCracken, 916-978-5100, 11/27/2006 22:42

For Release: November 27, 2006

The Bureau of Reclamation announces that the Klamath River Basin Conservation Implementation Program (CIP) Working Session, originally scheduled for December 6-7, 2006, in Medford, Oregon, has been postponed.

Klamath Basin stakeholders are currently engaged in ongoing discussions and negotiations related to the restoration of the Klamath River fishery, and Reclamation recognizes that each day in December is critical to those talks. In support of these continuing discussions, Reclamation is postponing the CIP working session until early spring 2007. Reclamation hopes this postponement will help contribute to the success of the ongoing discussions and negotiations. Postponement will also provide stakeholders with time to review the organizational structure being proposed as the framework for coordinated stakeholder-driven, basin-wide restoration.

The CIP is a mechanism by which participants will work together to restore the Klamath River Basin ecosystem; further fulfill tribal trust responsibilities of the Federal Government; allow continued, sustainable use of water; and foster lasting partnerships between Governments and private stakeholders. When rescheduled, the primary objective of the working session will be to gain agreement on the proposed organizational structure and 1st-year goals for implementing the CIP. The CIP is intended to coordinate conservation and restoration efforts throughout the Klamath River Basin and provide technical and funding resources to achieve Basin ecosystem restoration and water management goals. Additional information on the CIP is available at . If you encounter problems accessing documents online, please contact Ms. Lynnette Wirth at 916-978-5102 or .

Questions may be directed to Ms. Christine Karas, Deputy Area Manager, Klamath Basin Area Office, Reclamation, at 541-883-6935 or .

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Klamath River Basin Conservation Implementation Program