News Release Archive

Trinity River Restoration Program Adopts the U.S. Forest Service EA to Place Coarse Sediment in the Trinity River; FONSI Signed

Media Contact: Jeffrey McCracken, 916-978-5100,

For Release: June 05, 2006

As part of the Trinity River Restoration Program (TRRP), the Bureau of Reclamation has been working with the U.S. Forest Service (a member of the Trinity Management Council) and other TRRP partners for several years to plan and implement placement of about 5,100 cubic yards of coarse sediment immediately downstream of Lewiston Dam near the Trinity River Hatchery. This is one of several locations identified in the Trinity River Flow Evaluation Report and the December 19, 2000, Record of Decision where the river channel has degraded and is in immediate need of additional coarse sediment input.

The TRRP's implementation of the Forest Service's Trinity River Coarse Sediment Injection and Rehabilitation Project Environmental Assessment (EA) will enhance juvenile rearing habitat for anadromous fish and aid in spawning gravel placement this year and in the future. Selected areas of the floodplain will also be lowered, and the excavated material will be moved upslope to build a vehicle turn-around and a parking lot for anglers. Mr. Douglas Schleusner, Executive Director of the TRRP, signed the Finding of No Significant Impact on May 31, 2006, and authorized the Forest Service to immediately proceed with the project as described in the EA. Reclamation has adopted the following documents: (1) the Forest Service EA, (2) additions to meet National Environmental Policy Act and Reclamation environmental compliance guidelines, and (3) a memorandum that details the circumstances surrounding the need for adoption of the Forest Service EA as one that meets all of Reclamations requirements.

Project documents may be viewed online at or For further information, please contact Mr. Brandt Gutermuth, TRRP, at 530-623-1806.

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Forest Services Trinity River Coarse Sediment Injection and Rehabilitation Project Environmental Assessment (EA)

Forest Services Trinity River Coarse Sediment Injection and Rehabilitation Project Environmental Assessment (EA)