News Release Archive

Herb Howe Receives Reclamation's "Citizen's Award for Exceptional Service" for Clean-up Efforts at Lake Berryessa

Media Contact: Jeffrey S. McCracken, 916-978-5100, 02/16/2006 17:53

For Release: February 16, 2006

Mr. Herb Howe of Oakmont, California, has received the Bureau of Reclamation"s "Citizen's Award for Exceptional Service." Howe was honored at the Lake Berryessa Field Office on February 10, 2006, with a plaque and a citation signed by Reclamation Commissioner John W. Keys, III. The citation commends Howe for his "outstanding contributions to the Lake Berryessa community and for his efforts to keep the lands and waters of Lake Berryessa clean."

In January 2003, as Howe was paddling his kayak, he noticed large amounts of Styrofoam floating in the water and embedded in the grass along the shoreline. Ranging in size from small pieces to some nearly 6-feet long, the Styrofoam had broken off from floating boat docks. Recognizing the debris as a serious natural resource problem, Howe began routinely picking up and properly disposing of the small pieces. Eventually, he began towing the larger pieces, using them as "rafts" that he piled other bits of Styrofoam on after his kayak deck was full.

Howe then enlisted the aid of Lake Berryessa's Rancho Monticello Resort and Reclamation employees; together they removed decades of Styrofoam accumulation. Howe also began documenting his efforts, and those documents have become an important tool for Reclamation to track Styrofoam piles and docks that have come loose from local marinas. Information on the Styrofoam cleanup may be found at .

An avid kayaker who taught kayaking classes at Capell Cove a few years ago, Howe still performs some maintenance activities on Lake Berryessa even today. "I just wanted to make the lake better for paddlers, for those who troll the shoreline fishing, and for hikers," Howe stated.

Howes efforts are a superb example of the community in action. For his continuous efforts and contributions to Lake Berryessa, Howe was granted Reclamation's Citizens Award for Exceptional Service. For additional information, please contact Mr. Pete Lucero, Park Manager, Lake Berryessa Field Office, at 707-966-2111, ext. 106.

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Herb Howe Receives Reclamation's