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Funding opportunity available to build drought resiliency through WaterSMART

Media Contact: Peter Soeth 303-445-3615
For Release: May 4, 2020
A dry riverbed in the western United States. A dry riverbed in the western United States.
WASHINGTON - The Bureau of Reclamation has released a funding opportunity for communities to take a proactive approach to drought through building projects that increase water supply reliability, improve water management, or provide benefits for fish, wildlife and the environment. The drought resiliency projects funding opportunity is available at by searching funding opportunity number BOR-DO-20-F002.

"We are looking for applicants that are working to implement projects that are identified in their drought response plans to avoid future crises and reduce the need for emergency response actions," said Reclamation’s Acting Drought Response Program Manager John Whitler.

Eligible applicants for funding include states, tribes, irrigation districts, water districts or other organizations with water or power delivery authority located in the western United States or U.S. territories. It also includes Alaska and Hawaii, which are now eligible.

Up to $300,000 per agreement is available for a project that can be completed within two years. Up to $750,000 per agreement is available for a project that can be completed within three years. Recipients must match the funding with a minimum of 50% non-federal cost-share.

Applications are due on July 8, 2020, at 4 p.m. MDT.

Visit Reclamation's WaterSMART program at and the Drought Response Program at to learn more about this and other opportunities.
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