Reclamation > News & Multimedia > news release > Reclamation announces November road closures at Anderson Ranch Dam
Reclamation announces November road closures at Anderson Ranch Dam

Media Contact: Marc Ayalin, 208-378-6203,
For Release: Oct 26, 2023
Subsurface exploratory activities, including drilling and excavation, necessitates intermittent road closures near the crest of Anderson Ranch Dam along Highway District (HD) Road 134, and at the right abutment along HD Road 120, and HD Road 121, from Nov. 2 through 23, 2023. Subsurface exploratory activities, including drilling and excavation, necessitates intermittent road closures near the crest of Anderson Ranch Dam along Highway District (HD) Road 134, and at the right abutment along HD Road 120, and HD Road 121, from Nov. 2 through 23, 2023.

BOISE, Idaho – Subsurface exploratory activities, including drilling and excavation, necessitates intermittent road closures near the crest of Anderson Ranch Dam along Highway District (HD) Road 134, and at the right abutment along HD Road 120, and HD Road 121, from Nov. 2 through 23, 2023.

The Bureau of Reclamation’s geotechnical crews will be on hand to perform these activities. Additionally, heavy equipment will be operating in the area during these dates. The temporary closure is essential for crews to complete work for the Anderson Ranch Dam Raise analysis, while providing for employee and public safety near the work zone. Data collected will affect design plans for the Anderson Ranch Dam Raise Project.

For more information, please contact Chris Keith, project manager, at 208-378-5360, email: or for updated notifications, visit


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