Study identifies innovative approaches to minimize flood and drought impacts
SACRAMENTO, Calif. – The Bureau of Reclamation today released the final report for a pilot study assessing the economic and environmental benefits of alternative reservoir operations. The study – Economic Benefits of Alternative Reservoir Operations for Lake Mendocino – identifies innovative approaches to improve flood mitigation and drought resiliency using Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations.
FIRO is a flexible water management approach that uses data from watershed monitoring and improved weather forecasting to help water managers selectively retain or release water from reservoirs for increased resilience to droughts and floods.
California’s watersheds frequently experience severe floods and droughts, as evidenced by this being among the driest water years on record. These weather events, exacerbated by the effects of climate change, have a direct impact on the lives and livelihood of Californians and the state’s wildlife and natural resources. Providing more flexibility in the way reservoirs are managed could help alleviate flood and drought impacts, offering both economic and environmental benefits.
FIRO’s impacts on Lake Mendocino water levels were estimated using data from a 33-year hindcast from January 1, 1985, through September 30, 2017. FIRO’s total estimated annual benefits are either $9.4 million or $9.9 million, depending on the alternative.
The pilot study is meant to support discussions of potential benefits of FIRO. Reclamation will evaluate the appropriateness and applicability of FIRO use on its potential future reservoir operations. FIRO alternatives are being studied at Prosser Reservoir under the Truckee Basin Water Management Options Pilot study, which is also being funded through Reclamation’s WaterSMART Basin Study Program.
Information in this pilot study and the economic DST do not imply that methods employed within this report are the only methods that can be used to calculate the benefits of FIRO. This work was funded through Reclamation’s WaterSMART Basin Study Program and performed by the Sonoma County Water Agency, Reclamation, and Eastern Research Group. The report, economic DST, and fact sheet are available at Reservoir Operation Pilots | WaterSMART (
For questions, contact Project Manager Michael Dietl at 916-978-5070 (TTY 800-877-8339) or